Office of the Central Examination Committee (Zentraler Prüfungsausschuss, ZPA)

We are responsible for the following degree programs:

  • Bachelor's and Master's programs at the School of Humanities (except Master Intercultural German Studies)
  • Bachelor's and Master's programs at the School of Social Sciences
  • Teacher education programs (GymPO, B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Ed. Extension Subject) at the University of Mannheim
  • Part-time program DaF (German as a Foreign Language)/DaZ (German as a Second Language)

Please direct all your questions and requests to the office of the Central Examination Committee.

Currently there are no files available.

Your contact persons regarding:

  • Recognition of Coursework and Examinations after a Semester Abroad

    After your stay abroad, you should discuss with your departmental exchange coordinator which courses you were actually able to take abroad and which can be recognized. You must then submit a request for the recognition of your credits obtained abroad to the office of the Central Examination Committee (ZPA). 

    checklist for your request for the recognition of credits obtained abroad

    Complete and sign the request form

    Complete the forms legibly, provide your current address, sign and date the request

    The agreements must be signed and stamped by the responsible departmental area representatives / departmental exchange coordinator


    Transcript of records from your host institution

    We need the transcript of records in the original (i.e. signed and stamped by the issuing institution) or with an electronic verfication code or forwarded by the International Office (AAA)

    Confirmation of submission of report / free mover status
    • You can download the confirmation of submission of the report from the Mobility-Online portal of the International Office as soon as your report has been received and reviewed.
    • The confirmation of the status as a free mover is given by the International Office
    Submission to the ZPA

    Preferably via e-mail (scan/picture) to the contact mentioned below

    Postal address

    Universität Mannheim
    Geschäftsstelle des Zentralen Prüfungsausschusses
    68131 Mannheim

    Mailbox drop-off at the entrance of L 9, 7 in 68131 Mannheim


    Studentische Hilfskräfte ZPA

    Studentische Hilfskräfte ZPA

    Nicola Eske, Marija Stojanovic
    Anerkennungen Auslandssemester
    University of Mannheim
    Geschäftsstelle des Zentralen Prüfungsausschusses
    L 9, 7 – Room 312
    68161 Mannheim
  • Recognition of Previous Coursework and Examinations – transfer from another university / changing a degree program

    In order to have coursework and examinations from your previous studies or non-academic achievements recognized, you must submit arequest for recognition after enrollment. Recognitions are made only upon your request. Achievements checked in the initial review are not automatically recognized.

    Checkliste für Ihren Antrag auf Anerkennung/Anrechnung

    Complete and sign request form
    • Please fill in the form legibly and check the request for recognition under “Nach der Einschreibung in den Studiengang" (“After enrollment for the program”). On the last page, please provide your personal data and sign the request. We can only process your request, if it has been signed. 
    • Indicate on the form the titles of equivalent courses taken previously. Enter the title as it appears on your transcript of records. A clear and correct request can be reviewed more expeditiously.
    • How do you know which courses may be considered equivalent? 
      If you have done an initial review, you should use that as a guide. As for the other courses, there must be no significant difference in the competencies of the courses in order for them to be recognized or, in the case of recognition of non-university achievements, there must be equivalence (see section 35 of the Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG)). Therefore, compare the competency descriptions of your previous degree program with those of your new degree program. You can find the current module descriptions of the University of Mannheim on the website of the responsible dean's office.
    • There are no forms for master’s programs: Please write a free-form request stating clearly and conspicuously which courses you request to be recognized for which courses at the University of Mannheim. All other information remains the same.  
    Required documents
    • Competency descriptions from your previous degree program: 
      Mark the courses to be reviewed and note the corresponding page numbers of the competency descriptions next to the courses on the form. This facilitates the allocation and allows for faster processing.
    • Current transcript of records in the original or as a notarized copy from your previous studies or non-academic achievements, listing all courses to be recognized. This also applies, if you have already submitted a transcript of records for the initial review.

    Submission to the ZPA

    Preferably via e-mail (scan/picture) to the contact mentioned below

    Postal address

    Universität Mannheim
    Geschäftsstelle des Zentralen Prüfungsausschusses
    68131 Mannheim

    Mailbox drop-off at the entrance of L 9, 7 in 68131 Mannheim


    Kontaktadresse für Anerkennungen

    Kontaktadresse für Anerkennungen

    recognition – transfer from another university / change of degree program
    University of Mannheim
    Office of the Central Examination Committee
    L 9, 7
    68161 Mannheim
  • Requests in Exceptional Circumstances

    Advising students on the examination regulations and in special cases (such as the extension of deadlines or disadvantage compensation)

    Extension of examination deadlines

    review of reasons given for de-registering from or not showing up for an exam

    Reporting breaches of procedure; annulment of examination results

    Dealing with severe cases of cheating or violations of the rules

    Determining the failure of the final examination attempt and missed deadlines

    Appeal procedure

    Important information on free-form written requests and evidence (e.g. doctor's note)

    Annick Benz

    Annick Benz

    Advisor for BA/MA Soziologie/Politikwissenschaft | BA Geschichte | BA Germanistik | BA MKW
    University of Mannheim
    Geschäftsstelle des Zentralen Prüfungsausschusses
    L 9, 7 – Raum 313
    68161 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    Bitte melden Sie sich via Email.
    Office hours:
    Mo. – Di. 8:00 – 16:00 Uhr
    Mi. 9:00 – 13:45 Uhr
    Claudia Brendel

    Claudia Brendel

    Process manager for recognition and credit transfer BAKuWi and MAKuWi; Process manager for all Master's degree programs at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
    University of Mannheim
    Geschäftsstelle des Zentralen Prüfungsausschusses
    L 9, 7 – Raum 313
    68161 Mannheim
    Office hours:
    Mo. 08:00–17.00, Di 13:00–17:00 u. Do 09:00–17:00
    Madeline Dahl

    Madeline Dahl

    Advisor for M.A. programs at the School of Humanities | BAföG and KfW certificates (for all programs supervised by the ZPA)
    University of Mannheim
    Office of the Central Examination Committee
    L 9, 7 – Room 311
    68161 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    please contact me via e-mail
    Office hours:
    only Monday, Thursday PM
    Eva-Maria Hartmann

    Eva-Maria Hartmann

    Advisor for B.Sc./M.Sc. Psychologie | Lehramt
    University of Mannheim
    Office of the Central Examination Committee
    L 9, 7 – Room 313
    68161 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    please contact me via e-mail
    Matthias Schubert

    Matthias Schubert

    Direction of the Office of the Central Examination Committee of the School of Humanities and the School of Social Sciences | Advisor for BA Romanistik and BA CELLS
    University of Mannheim
    Office of the Central Examination Committee
    L 9, 7 – Room 317
    68161 Mannheim
    Phone: +49 621 181-2166
    Fax: +49 621 181-–2169
    Consultation hour(s):
    by appointment only
  • Registration for your bachelor's or master's thesis

  • Certificates for education loans

    Semester recognition certificates for BAföG, Form 5 in accordance with section 48 BAföG

    KFW forms

    Confirmation of the student loan granted by the Federal Office of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt)

    Madeline Dahl

    Madeline Dahl

    Advisor for M.A. programs at the School of Humanities | BAföG and KfW certificates (for all programs supervised by the ZPA)
    University of Mannheim
    Office of the Central Examination Committee
    L 9, 7 – Room 311
    68161 Mannheim
    Consultation hour(s):
    please contact me via e-mail
    Office hours:
    only Monday, Thursday PM