

Sentiment-oriented text analysis system for early recognition of communication patterns in digital (social) media using self-learning ontologies. Third-party project of the Compass-Gruppe GmbH funded by the Technology Agency of the City of Vienna (04/2013–06/2014) together with Prof. Dr. Beate Henn-Memmesheimer.

The aim of the Senteasy project was to develop an ontology-based linguistic text analysis system that is able to use syntactic and semantic information at the word, sentence and text level to evaluate the opinion-forming potential of texts in social media.

The answer to the question of the opinion-forming potential of a text contribution on the Internet today is becoming increasingly important in all areas of social life, especially in the political and economic spheres, with the increasing spread of different social media networks and tools, diverse evaluation possibilities and the most differentiated digital content offerings. Public opinion on an important political topic is no longer formed over weeks, but within hours. Opinion is no longer only made by the classical media such as newspaper radio and television, but by millions of Internet users. Due to the increased speed of opinion formation and opinion dissemination, it is therefore all the more important to recognize negative opinion formation or corresponding tendencies in advance in order to counteract them, and also to recognize positive developments/trends at an early stage.

Senteasy was a subproject of Onteasy. Further information can be found here