
Research at the Department of English

Here, you can find an overview of all research projects and recent publications from all reserachers at the English Department. Further information on research can be found on individual pages of staff members.

Research Projects

Crossing the Borders (A I)

The interplay of language, cognition, and the brain in early human development

Multilingual Classroom (A I)

Teacher training: teaching and learning in a multilingual classroom.


Mannheimer Beiträge zur Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft


The implementation of bilingual programs in German primary schools, with a special focus on the role of the teachers

SMILE – Studies on Multilingualism in Language Education

The SMILE project investigates the role of internal and external factors in the acquisition of a second language (L2) by young monolingual and multilingual learners in different primary school settings.

Understanding Variability in Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism, and Cognition (MD)

Interdisciplinary transnational cooperation project on variability of factors affecting linguistic and cognitive development in the humanities, psychology and social sciences

MA-eye-LAB (A I)

Visit the pages of our psycholinguistic research lab


Emerging Grammars in Language Contact Situations: A Comparative Approach. Teilprojekt P5: Clause Structure in Heritage German

Mannheim Papers in Multilingualism, Acquisition, and Change (A IV)

Early Language & Intercultural Acquisition Studies with research and practice in bilingual preschools

SMILE Project Series (MD)

Access to the project series containing project papers, reports, test instruments, and other materials.


Mannheim Center for Empirical Multilingualism Research

Wortakrobaten (A I)

Visit the webpage of the Children's Language Laboratory of the Department of English I/Psycholinguistics.


Structuring the Input in Language Processing, Acquisition and Change


Foreign language learning in inclusive contexts: investigates the development of linguistic and cognitive skills in children with heterogeneous learning conditions in bilingual daycare centres

STILE – Strategies for Teaching in Language Education

 Effective Teaching Strategies in the (Foreign Language) Classroom

Finished Projects


Department of English (last 5 years)