Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire
handwritten source from the middle ages
Front and back of a golden coin, that shows edward the third

Junior Professorship for Economic History of the Middle Ages

Economic History of the Middle Ages

Spike Gibbs has been Junior Professor for the Economic History of the Middle Ages in the Chair group for Medieval History since January 2022.


Cover of the book
Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority by Dr. Alex Spike Gibbs has been shortlisted for the Royal Historical Society's Whitfield Prize

Dr. Alex Spike Gibbs' book: “Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority in Late Medieval and Early Modern England” has been shortlisted for the Royal Historical Society's Whitfield Prize . You can find more information about the price  here. The book is now also available online in open access.

Winners of the Thirsk price.
Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority in Late Medieval and Early Modern England wins Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize

Spike Gibbs' book, Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority in Late Medieval and Early Modern England has jointly won the Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize 2024. The prize is awarded annually by the British Agricultural History Society for the best book in British or Irish rural or agrarian history. For more information about the prize, please visit:

New Research on Medieval Economic History

The Chair of Medieval History and the Junior Professorship of Medieval Economic History would like to invite you to the lectures of the research seminar “New Research on Medieval Economic History”. During the seminar, researchers from USA, UK, Spain and Germany will present their results and topics for discussion. For more information, please see the programme. We look forward to seeing you!

a Wheatfield
Report on the Workshop: 'Close Ties? The Economic Impacts of “Feudal” Lordship in the Middle Ages', 11.12.-13.12.2023

On 11.12.23 – 13.12.23 the Junior Professorship for the Economic History of the Middle Ages at Mannheim and the Chair for Medieval History at Graz jointly organised the workshop ‘Close Ties? The Economic Impacts of 'Feudal' Lordship in the Middle Ages’. The event brought together researchers from across Europe and the United States to discuss how lordship impacted on economies and societies throughout Eurasia through a range of thought-provoking papers. We also enjoyed a museum trip to see the SCHUM Jewish heritage sites in Speyer. We look forward to future collaborations stemming from this event and welcome any inquiries from researchers interested in this topic! – Dr. Alex Spike Gibbs

Cover of the new book by Dr. Alex Spike Gibbs
Blog post by Spike Gibbs: “Political Peasants? Local authority in late medieval and early modern England” (Cambridge University Press, 25.09.2023)

In the blog post, Spike Gibbs provides a wonderful insight into his book “Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority in Late Medieval and Early Modern England”, which deals, among other things, with the role of tenants in English local communities. In the text linked below, you can also find out what Gibbs' book has to do with the film “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”. We hope you enjoy reading it.

Cover of the new book by Dr. Alex Spike Gibbs
New publication by Spike Gibbs: “Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority in Late Medieval and Early Modern England”

We look forward to the publication of Spike Gibbs' book “Lordship, State Formation and Local Authority in Late Medieval and Early Modern England” as part of the Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought series. In his work, Gibbs uses previously untapped archival records to show how local authority and social structures adapted in response to the decline of lordship and the process of state formation in England. The book covers the period from 1300 to 1650. We hope you enjoy the “Look inside”.


  • Inaugural Lecture by Spike Gibbs and Astrid Lembke (27.09.2023 at 18:45 Uhr in SN 169)

    We would like to invite you to the joint inaugural lecture by Spike Gibbs and Astrid Lembke followed by a reception on 27 September 2023 at 6:45 pm. The two will speak on “Social Order and Power Dynamics – kreative Reaktionen auf hierarchische Strukturen in der europäischen Vormoderne”. The event will take place in Mannheim Schloss, SN 169. We look forward to seeing you!

  • New Research on Medieval Economic History

    The Chair of Medieval History and the Junior Professorship of Medieval Economic History would like to invite you to the lectures of the research seminar “New Research on Medieval Economic History”. During the seminar, researchers from Great Britain and the German-speaking countries will present their results and topics for discussion. For more information, please see the programme. We look forward to seeing you!

Team of the chair.

People and office hours

Medieval manuscript.

Projects and publications

Group of students, sitting around a table and looking at a presentation.
