Visiting Professors

Credit: Anna Logue
Professors from abroad regularly visit the Department of Philosophy and supplement our teaching with lectures on topics from their own research areas.
Visiting Professorships 2013–2018
Prof. Dr. Dominic Scott (Oxford)
- Block seminar „Plato's Meno and Republic“ (HWS 2018)
Prof. Dr. William H. Shaw (San José State University, USA)
- Block seminar „The Ethics of War“ (FSS 2015)
- Block seminar „Business Ethics“ (HWS 2013)
Prof. Dr. Anand Jayprakash Vaidya (San José State University, USA)
- Summer Course „Understanding Cultural Plurality through World Philosophy“ (Summer School 2017)
Prof. Dr. Kai F. Wehmeier (UC Irvine, USA)
- Block seminar „Early Analytic Philosophy of Language“ (HWS 2016)