Research at the Department of Philosophy focuses on fundamental questions of theoretical and practical philosophy as well as topics at the interface of philosophy, science and society.
The research at the Chair of Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophy of Language (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Freitag) focuses on the field of theoretical philosophy, in particular philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics and theory of science. Historically, research is focused on early analytic philosophy.
The research at the Chair of Practical Philosophy and Business Ethics (Prof. Dr. Bernward Gesang) focuses on questions of corporate and business ethics as well as environmental and climate ethics. Historically, research focuses on classical utilitarianism and the Aetas Kantiana. Current research also focuses on sustainability and social transformation.
The research interests of the Professorship for Distinguished Researchers in Philosophy (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ursula Wolf) focus on ancient philosophy, especially Aristotle and Plato, as well as practical philosophy, especially action theory, theory of good life, moral theory and animal ethics.
The research of the Junior Professorship in Political Philosophy (Prof. Dr. Andreas Cassee) focuses on systematic questions of normative political philosophy and of (applied) ethics (here especially ethics of migration and immigration, tax justice, and theories of property, justice and responsibility).