Denkwerk-Project “Schüler machen Wörterbücher − Wörterbücher machen Schule”

The project “Schüler machen Wörterbücher − Wörterbücher machen Schule” was funded from September 2016 to December 2018 as part of the Denkwerk program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

The project was carried out by the Institute for German Language (IDS) in Mannheim together with the Chair of German Linguistics at the University of Mannheim. The Albertus-Magnus-Schule (AMS) in Viernheim and the Bach-Gymnasium in Mannheim were involved. In lectures and workshops, the participating students gained an insight into the methods of modern linguistics, especially corpus linguistics and corpus-based lexicography. The students selected the words for which they write their own corpus-based dictionary entries. After an introduction to wiki technology, they then transferred the content to the Denktionary, the project's wikibased dictionary.