Goals of the network
Discourse linguistics as a relatively new sub-discipline of German linguistics deals with the question of how social realities are constructed in trans-textually organized units. So far, hardly any texts from digital media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia) have been considered. The planned network brings together scientists who work on the analysis of digital discourses in their projects, using digital methods of corpus linguistics or digital methods. The aim of the network is to expand the programme and the method inventory of discourse linguistics in two directions: on the one hand, the specific description categories and analysis tools for discourses in digital media (e.g. links, hashtags) are to be systematised. On the other hand, methods and instruments of corpus linguistics and digital methods will be evaluated and expanded with regard to the requirements of discourse linguistics. This is to be achieved through case studies, which are fed by ongoing projects of the members and which are related to each other by reference to common questions and focal points of the working meetings. The results will be discussed with relevant experts and cooperation partners in order to expand digital language resources with regard to the analysis of digital discourses and digital analyses of discourses.