Workshop “Linguistic Wikipedistics” took place at the University of Mannheim on 17.11.2017
Wikipedia is not only one of the most successful projects in Web 2.0, but is also increasingly seen as a unique linguistic resource that impressively demonstrates the heterogeneous character of natural languages.
The workshop “Linguistic Wikipedistics”, organized by the Chair of German Linguistics (Eva Gredel, Laura Herzberg, Angelika Storrer), aimed to make visible the manifold language-related perspectives on the research object Wikipedia and to address convergences as well as divergences between theoretical and methodological approaches.
The date of the workshop on 17.11.2017 was immediately before WikiDACH 2017, a bar camp of the German-speaking Wikipedia community, which took place at the invitation of Eva Gredel on 18.11. and 19.11.2017 at the University of Mannheim. At WikiDACH, participants from Switzerland, Austria and Germany were able to share and expand their skills and experiences from project work through personal contacts, workshops and lectures.