
Education and Professional Development

Since 2014Professor of German Linguistics at the Seminar für deutsche Philologie (en. Department of German Philology) at the University of Mannheim.
2018–2021Prorector for Studies, Teaching and Gender Equality at the University of Mannheim.
Since 2009Member of the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) (en. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities).
2002–2014Professor for German linguistics and Language Didactics at the Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur (en. Institute for German Language and Literature) at the TU Dortmund University.
1993-2002Researcher in the department of Grammar at the Institut für deutsche Sprache (IDS) (en. Institute for the German Language) in Mannheim.
1992-93Post-doc Researcher at the Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft (Abteilung Computerlinguistik) (en. Department of Linguistics, section Computational Linguistics) at the Universität Tübingen.
1990-91Research fellowship at the Institut für wissensbasierte Systeme der IBM Deutschland (en. Institute for knowledge-based systems of the IBM Germany) in Heidelberg.
1984-90Freelancer at the wissenschaftliches Zentrum der IBM Deutschland (en. Scientific Centre of IBM Germany) in Heidelberg.
1991Dr. phil (summa cum laude), Universität Heidelberg. Topic of Doctoral Dissertation: Verbvalenz. Theoretische und methodische Grundlagen ihrer Beschreibung in Grammatikographie und Lexikographie (en. Verb-Valency. Theoretical and methodological principles of their descriptions within grammaticography and lexicography).
1980-91Student of German and Romance Studies at the University of Heidelberg.
1978-80Student at the Institut für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen IÜD (en. Institute for Translation and Interpreting) at the University of Heidelberg.