Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Freitag

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Freitag

University of Mannheim
Chair Theoretical Philosophy/Philosophy of Language
L 9, 5 – Room 004
68161 Mannheim

Consultation hour(s):

Please register online.
Lecture period: Tuesday 4–5 pm (online and presence)
Lecture-free period: Individual appointments (online only)

Wolfgang Freitag is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy/Philosophy of Language. He studied philosophy, history, politics and mathematics in Constance, Liverpool, Austin/Texas and Oxford. After completing his doctorate (2005) and habilitation (2010) in philosophy in Constance, he held deputy professorships in Bern and Heidelberg. In 2013, he was appointed to the Chair of Epistemology and Theory of Science at the University of Freiburg. In 2018, he moved to the Chair of Theoretical Philosophy/Philosophy of Language at the University of Mannheim. His research interests concern central questions of theoretical philosophy (in particular philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics and logic) as well as selected topics of practical philosophy (e.g. metaphysics of norms).


  • I Know. Modal Epistemology and Scepticism, mentis, Münster 2013.
  • Form and Philosophy. A Topology of Possibility and Representation, Synchron, Heidelberg 2009.

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