Main Research Interests:
- Grammar of the German Language: Prepositions, Prepositional Phrases and Verb Valency
- Language Acquisition: German as a Second/
Foreign Language - Learner Corpus Research, in particular: Error Classification and Error Annotation
She teaches, for example:
- Grammar Exercise (for student teachers)
- Second and foreign language acquisition
- German as a second and foreign language
- German grammar
Her teaching project on “Teaching Digital Data Literacy in German Linguistics” was awarded as an outstanding digital teaching project at the University of Mannheim within the funding line “Digital Innovations in Teaching”.
Further information on the teaching project and the funding line can be found at
- Member of the Learner Corpus Association (LCA).
- Member of the Management Committee of the COST-Action enetCollect “European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques” (CA 16105).
- Member of the working group „Explicit Crowdsourcing for Language Learning material production“ (WG1) of the COST network enetCollect.
- Deputy Member of the Senate Commission Teaching of the University of Mannheim.
- Weber, T. (2019). A corpus-based approach to the usage and acquisition of prepositions by learners of German as a foreign language: form vs. function. In , Widening the scope of learner corpus research : selected papers from the fourth Learner Corpus Research Conference (S. 121–136). Corpora and Language in Use : Proceedings, PUL Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve.
- Weber, T. (2018). Grammatik und Lernerkorpora: Eine korpusorientierte Untersuchung von Präpositionalphrasen im deutschen MERLIN-Korpus. In , Grammar and Corpora 2016 (S. 415–424). , Heidelberg University Publishing: Heidelberg.
- Weber, T. (2018). Zum Einfluss der Erstsprache auf den Gebrauch von Präpositionen – eine kontrastive Analyse im deutschen MERLIN-Lernerkorpus. In , Internationale Tagung Kontrastive Linguistik : Book of abstracts : Dipartimento di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica, Piazza Montanelli 1, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), 25.-26. Oktober 2018 (S. 41–42). , Università degli Studi di Milano: Milano.
- Weber, T. (2015). Verb valency and prepositional complements in learner corpora: A case study in the German MERLIN corpus. In , 3. Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR) 2015, Nijmegen (Niederlande), 11–13. September 2015 : Book of abstracts (S. 164–166). , Radboud Universiteit: Nijmegen.
- Holdt, . A., Zviel-Girshin, R., Gajek, E., Durán-Muñoz, I., Bago, P., Fort, K., Hatipoglu, C., Kasperavičienė, R., Koeva, S., Konjik, I. L., Miloshevska, L., Ordulj, A., Rodosthenous, C., Volodina, E., Weber, T. and Zanasi, L. (2020). Language teachers and crowdsourcing: Insights from a cross-European survey. Rasprave : časopis Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje, 46, 1–28.
- Wolfer, S., Bartz, T., Weber, T., Abel, A., Meyer, C. M., Müller-Spitzer, C. and Storrer, A. (2018). The effectiveness of lexicographic tools for optimising written L1-texts. International Journal of Lexicography : IJL, 31, 1–28.