Research Projects and Research Activities

Research Projects


Project “How to measure voice quality in the digital age?” (Funding line “Suspected originality? New Options for the Humanities and Cultural Studies” of the VW Foundation)


Cooperation project “Schüler machen Wörterbücher – Wörterbücher machen Schule” (funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation)


COST-Aktion „European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques“ (CA 16105) (funding line EU programme “Horizon2020”)


Joint project Corpus-based linguistic research and analysis using data mining (BMBF funding in the context of the call for proposals for eHumanities 2012–2015)


Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

Working group for the development of standards for the representation and preparation of corpora for Internet-based communication within the framework of the international standardization organization Text Encoding Initiative TEI

Network Empirical exploration of internet-based communication

scientific network (funded by DFG)

Network Internetlexicography

scientific network (funded by DFG)

Dortmund chat corpus

Corpus for the use of language and variation in German-speaking chat communication

OWL models for word nets and word net representations in OWL

Results from the cooperation project “Wordnets in OWL”

GermaNet Explorer

Tool for the visualization of the German-language word network GermaNet (developed within the project HyTex)

Further Activities

  • Organisation of Conferences and Workshops

    • Workshop: Wikipedia: Discourse and corpus linguistic perspectives, 20.01.2016. Organized in cooperation with the Institute for the German Language, Mannheim (Harald Lüngen; Marc Kupietz).
    • Conference: Neue Wege in der Nutzung von Korpora: Data-Mining für die textorientierten Geisteswissenschaften , 30.10.2015, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.
    • GAL Conference 2015 in Frankfurt/Oder, 23–25.9.2015: Workshop Valenz und Kollokation im (digitalen) Wörterbuch, with Annette Klosa, IDS Mannheim
    • Euralex 2014, Bolzano (Italy), 14.07.2014: Pre-Conference-Workshop “Was ist ein gutes (Internet-)Wörterbuch?” – Alte und neue Fragen zur Qualität lexikographischer Produkte im digitalen Zeitalter (with Christine Möhrs, Universtiät Mannheim und Annette Klosa, IDS Mannheim).
    • TEI Conference and Members Meeting, 2–5.10.2013, Rome: Panel Computer-mediated communication in TEI: What lies ahead.(with Michael Beißwenger (TU Dortmund University), Thierry Chanier (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand), Isabella Chiari (Università La Sapienza Rome), Maria Ermakova (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Humanities), Iris Hendrickx (Radboud University Nijmegen), Axel Herold (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Humanities), Henk van den Heuvel (Radboud University Nijmegen), Maarten van Gompel (Radboud University Nijmegen), Lothar Lemnitzer (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Humanities).
    • International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL), Darmstat, 25–27.09.2013: Workshop Verarbeitung und Annotation von Sprachdaten aus Genres internetbasierter Kommunikation (with Michael Beißwenger, TU Dortmund University & Anke Lüdeling, Humboldt Universität Berlin).
    • GAL Conference 2013, Aachen, 19./20.09.2013: Workshop Digitale Korpora in der Internet-Lexikographie (with Stefan Engelberg, IDS Mannheim).
    • Workshop Building Corpora of Computer-Mediated Communication, TU Dortmund University, 14./15.2.2013 (with Michael Beißwenger; funded by Mercator Research Center Ruhr).
    • KobRA ‚Kick-off-Meeting', Workshop: Korpus-basierte Recherche und Analyse mit Hilfe von Data Mining, TU Dortmund University, 15./16.11.2012.
    • Workshop Webkorpora in Computerlinguistik und Sprachforschung, Institute for the German Language, Mannheim, 27.-28.09.2012 (with Roman Schneider and Alexander Mehler).
    • Workshop: Wiki-Hypertexte in Lehr- und Lernkontexten, TU Dortmund University,  1./2.04 2011 (with Michael Beißwenger, Nadine Anskeit and Arbeitskreis Hypermedia of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology).
    • Research Network Empirische Erforschung internetbasierter Kommunikation EMPIRIKOM ‚Kick-off Meeting'. TU Dortmund University, 14.-16.2.2011 (with Michael Beißwenger, Spokesperson for the Dortmund Network).
    • Conference Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge Konvens, 30.9.-2.10.2008 (with the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) and Zentrum Sprache of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW).
    • Conference Processing Text-Technological Resources, Bielefeld, 13.-15.03.2008, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF) (with Alexander Mehler, Dieter Metzing, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Hennig Lobin & Uwe Mönnich).
    • GLDV Spring Conference, Tübingen, 11.-13.04 2007: Workshop Ontologies and semantic lexica in automated discourse analysis (with mit Harald Lüngen und Alexander Mehler).
    • Conference Modelling linguistic information resources, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZIF) (en. Centre for interdisciplinary research), Bielefeld, 12.-14.01.2004 (with Dieter Metzing, Daffydd Gibbon, Hennig Lobin, and Uwe Mönnich).
    • DFG symposium Chat-Kommunikation in Beruf, Bildung und Medien: Konzepte – Werkzeuge – Anwendungsfelder, TU Dortmung University, 8.-10.05.2003 (with Michael Beißwenger).
    • Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS), München, 25.-28.02.2003: Working Group Text- und Diskursstrukturen in der internetbasierten Wissenskommunikation (with Michael Beißwenger and Ludger Hoffmann).
    • Workshop SGML/XML-Einsatz in der Lexikographie, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 21.09.1999: (with Ingrid Lemberg, Henning Lobin, and Bernhard Schröder).
    • Symposium Computergestützte Produktion und Publikation von Wörterbüchern, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 23.-25.09.1998: (with Ingrid Lemberg and Bernhard Schröder).
    • Workshop Hypermedia für Lexikon und Grammatik, Institute for the German Language (IDS), Mannheim, 21./22.03.1996 (with Bettina Harriehausen and Wiebke Möhr).