Forschung am Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
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Laufende Forschungsprojekte
Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (seit 2015)
- Halfmann, A., Wolfers, L. N. & Meeus, A. (2025). Can mothers avoid guilt about their smartphone usage behavior? Effects of the availability norm and goal conflict on guilt, recovery, and accomplishment experiences. Mobile Media & Communication, 13(1), 5–27.
- Naab, T. K., Ruess, H.-S. & Küchler, C. (2025). The influence of the deliberative quality of user comments on the number and quality of their reply comments. New Media & Society, 27(1), 62–83.
- Chan, C.-., Wessler, H., Jungblut, M., Welbers, K., Althaus, S., Bajjalieh, J. W. & van Atteveldt, W. (2024). Challenging the global cultural conflict narrative: An automated content analysis on how perpetrator identity shapes worldwide news coverage of islamist and right-wing terror attacks.
The International Journal of Press/
Politics, 29(4), 1064–1089. - Gagrčin, E. & Moe, H. (2024). Defending democracy: Prioritizing the study of epistemic inequalities. Political Communication, 41(5), 870–876.
- Gagrčin, E., Naab, T. K. & Grub, M. F. (2024). Algorithmic media use and algorithm literacy: An integrative literature review. New Media & Society, 1–25.
- Gelovani, S., Theocharis, Y., Koc-Michalska, K. & Bimber, B. (2024). Intergroup ethnocentrism and social media: evidence from three Western democracies. Information, Communication & Society : ICS, 1–20.
- Halfmann, A., Meier, A. & Reinecke, L. (2024). Trapped between goal conflict and availability norm? How users’ mobile messaging behavior during task engagement influences negative self-conscious emotions. Journal of Media Psychology, 36(1), 45–57.
- Jakob, J., Chan, C.-., Dobbrick, T. & Wessler, H. (2024). Discourse integration in positional online news reader comments: Patterns of responsiveness across types of democracy, digital platforms, and perspective camps. New Media & Society, 56(11), 6796–6814.
- Jungblut, M., Althaus, S., Bajjalieh, J. W., Chan, C.-., Welbers, K., van Atteveldt, W. & Wessler, H. (2024). How shared ties and journalistic cultures shape global news coverage of disruptive media events: The case of the 9/
11 terror attacks. Journal of Communication, 74(3), 183–197. - Lane, D. S., Overbye-Thompson, H. & Gagrčin, E. (2024). The story of social media: Evolving news coverage of social media in American politics, 2006–2021. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication : JCMC, 29(1), 1–14.
- Löb, C., Rinke, E. M., Weinmann, C. & Wessler, H. (2024). Unpacking the determinants of outrage and recognition in public discourse: Insights across socio-cultural divides, political systems, and media types.
The International Journal of Press/
Politics, 29(1), 273–294. - Schnauber-Stockmann, A., Scharkow, M., Karnowski, V., Naab, T. K., Schlütz, D. & Pressmann, P. (2024). Distinguishing person-specific from situation-specific variation in media use: A meta-analysis. Communication Research, 1–30.
- Zimmermann, F., Petersen, C. & Kohring, M. (2024). Who, if not science, can you trust to guide you through a crisis? The relationship between public trust in science and exposure to established and alternative online sources in times of crisis. Journal of Science Communication : JCOM, 23(09: Public (dis)trust in science in digital media environments, A05), 1–19.
- Friemel, T. N. & Geber, S. (2023). Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: Health protective behavior in the context of communication and perceptions of efficacy, norms, and threat. Health Communication, 38(4), 779–789.
- Gagrčin, E. (2023). ‘Who, if not me?’ How political self-categorizations shape the meaning of political self-expression on social media as a citizenship norm. Information, Communication & Society : ICS, 1–18.
- Gagrčin, E. & Butkowski, C. (2023). Out of sight, out of mind? Qualitative methods in political communication research. Political Communication Report, 27, 1–6.
- Gagrčin, E. & Milzner, M. (2023). „Intervening is a good thing but...“: The role of social norms in users' justifications of (non-) intervention against incivility. Social Media + Society : SM + S, 9(3), 1–12.
- Gagrčin, E., Ohme, J., Buttgereit, L. & Grünewald, F. (2023). Datafication markers: Curation and user network effects on mobilization and polarization during elections. Media and Communication, 11(3), 1–12.
- Gagrčin, E. & Porten-Cheé, P. (2023). Between individual and collective social effort: Vocabularies of informed citizenship in different information environments. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 17, 1510–1529.
- Jakob, J., Dobbrick, T., Freudenthaler, R., Haffner, P. & Wessler, H. (2023). Is constructive engagement online a lost cause? Toxic outrage in online user comments across democratic political systems and discussion arenas. Communication Research, 50(4), 508–531.
- Jakob, J., Dobbrick, T. & Wessler, H. (2023). The integrative complexity of online user comments across different types of democracy and discussion arenas.
The International Journal of Press/
Politics : IJPP, 28(3), 580–600. - Küchler, C., Stoll, A., Ziegele, M. & Naab, T. K. (2023). Gender-related differences in online comment sections: Findings from a large-scale content analysis of commenting behavior. Social Science Computer Review : SSCORE, 41(3), 728–747.
- Lane, D. S., Molina-Rogers, N. & Gagrčin, E. (2023). Worn out & tuned out: does politics fatigue on social media foster participatory inequality among Americans? Mass Communication and Society, 1–39.
- Lutz, S. (2023). Why don’t you answer me?! Exploring the effects of (repeated exposure to) ostracism via messengers on users’ fundamental needs, well-being, and coping motivation. Media Psychology, 26(2), 113–140.
- Lutz, S., Schneider, F. M. & Reich, S. (2023). Media as powerful coping tools to recover from social exclusion experiences? A systematic review on need restoration and emotion regulation through using media. Media Psychology, 26(4), 388–413.
- Müller, P., Chan, C.-., Ludwig, K., Freudenthaler, R. & Wessler, H. (2023). Differential racism in the news: Using semi-supervised machine learning to distinguish explicit and implicit stigmatization of ethnic and religious groups in journalistic discourse. Political Communication, 40(4: Race and ethnicity as foundational forces in political communication), 396–414.
- Schaetz, N., Gagrčin, E., Toth, R. & Emmer, M. (2023). Algorithm dependency in platformized news use. New Media & Society, 1–18.
- Schneider, F. M. & Weinmann, C. (2023). In need of the devil’s advocate: The impact of cross-cutting exposure on political discussion. Political Behavior, 45(1), 373–394.
- Freudenthaler, R. & Wessler, H. (2022). How alternative are alternative media? Analyzing speaker and topic diversity in mainstream and alternative online outlets. Digital Journalism, 1–21.
- Freudenthaler, R. & Wessler, H. (2022). Mapping emerging and legacy outlets online by their democratic functions – agonistic, deliberative, or corrosive?
The International Journal of Press/
Politics, 27(2), 417–438. - Gagrčin, E. (2022). Your social ties, your personal public sphere, your responsibility: How users construe a sense of personal responsibility for intervention against uncivil comments on Facebook. New Media & Society, 1–18.
- Gagrčin, E., Porten-Cheé, P., Leißner, L., Emmer, M. & Jørring, L. (2022). What makes a good citizen online? The emergence of discursive citizenship norms in social media environments. Social Media + Society : SM + S, 8(1), 1–11.
- Masullo, G. M., Ziegele, M., Riedl, M. J., Jost, P. & Naab, T. K. (2022). Effects of a high-person-centered response to commenters who disagree on readers’ positive attitudes toward a news outlet’s Facebook page. Digital Journalism, 10(3), 493–515.
- Naab, T. K. (2022). The impact of giving feedback in online discussions : Effects of evaluative reply comments on the authors of evaluated user comments. Journal of Media Psychology, 34(6), 334–347.
- Schneider, F. M., Lutz, S., Halfmann, A., Meier, A. & Reinecke, L. (2022). How and when do mobile media demands impact well-being? Explicating the Integrative Model of Mobile Media Use and Need Experiences (IM³UNE). Mobile Media & Communication, 10(2), 251–271.
- Vanden Abeele, M. M. P., Halfmann, A. & Lee, E. W. J. (2022). Drug, demon, or donut? Theorizing the relationship between social media use, digital well-being and digital disconnection. Current Opinion in Psychology, 45(Articel 101295), 1–7.
- Wessler, H., Althaus, S. L., Chan, C.-., Jungblut, M., Welbers, K. & van Atteveldt, W. (2022). Multiperspectival normative assessment: The case of mediated reactions to terrorism. Communication Theory, 32(3), 363–386.
- Chan, C.-., Bajjalieh, J. W., Auvil, L., Wessler, H., Althaus, S., Welbers, K., van Atteveldt, W. & Jungblut, M. (2021). Four best practices for measuring news sentiment using ‘off-the-shelf’ dictionaries: a large-scale p-hacking experiment. Computational Communication Research : CCR, 3(1), 1–27.
- Dienlin, T., Johannes, N., Bowman, N. D., Masur, P. K., Engesser, S., Kümpel, A. S., Lukito, J., Bier, L. M., Zhang, R., Johnson, B. K., Huskey, R., Schneider, F. M., Breuer, J., Parry, D. A., Vermeulen, I., Fisher, J. T., Banks, J., Weber, R., Ellis, D. A., Smits, T., Ivory, J. D., Trepte, S., McEwan, B., Rinke, E. M., Neubaum, G., Winter, S., Carpenter, C. J., Krämer, N., Utz, S., Unkel, J., Wang, X., Davidson, B. I., Kim, N., Stevenson Won, A., Domahidi, E., Lewis, N. A. & de Vreese, C. (2021). An agenda for open science in communication. Journal of Communication, 71(1), 1–26.
- Dobbrick, T., Jakob, J., Chan, C.-. & Wessler, H. (2021). Enhancing theory-informed dictionary approaches with “glass-box” machine learning: The case of integrative complexity in social media comments. Communication Methods and Measures, 16(4), 303–320.
- Geber, S., Baumann, E., Czerwinski, F. & Klimmt, C. (2021). The effects of social norms among peer groups on risk behavior: A multilevel approach to differentiate perceived and collective norms. Communication Research, 48(3), 319–45.
- Geber, S., Frey, T. & Friemel, T. N. (2021). Social media use in the context of drinking onset: The mutual influences of social media effects and selectivity. Journal of Health Communication, 26(8), 566–575.
- Halfmann, A. (2021). Digging deeper into the reasons for self-control failure: Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to use mobile communication shape self-control processes. Mass Communication and Society, 24(6), 843–866.
- Halfmann, A., Meier, A. & Reinecke, L. (2021). Too much or too little messaging? Situational determinants of guilt about mobile messaging. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication : JCMC, 26(2), 72–90.
- Lutz, S. & Schneider, F. M. (2021). Is receiving Dislikes in social media still better than being ignored? The effects of ostracism and rejection on need threat and coping responses online. Media Psychology, 24(6), 741–765.
- Naab, T. K., Naab, T. & Brandmeier, J. (2021). Uncivil user comments increase users’ intention to engage in corrective actions and their support for authoritative restrictive actions. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly : JMCQ, 98(2), 566–588.
- Riedl, M. J., Naab, T. K., Masullo, G. M., Jost, P. & Ziegele, M. (2021). Who is responsible for interventions against problematic comments? Comparing user attitudes in Germany and the United States. Policy & Internet, 13(3), 433–451.
- Wolfers, L. N. & Schneider, F. M. (2021). Using media for coping: A scoping review. Communication Research, 48(8), 1210–1234.
- Wozniak, A., Wessler, H., Chan, C.-. & Lück, J. (2021). The event-centered nature of global public spheres: The UN Climate Change Conferences, Fridays for Future, and the (limited) transnationalization of media debates. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 15(Article 20210005), 688–714.
- Wulf, T., Schneider, F. M. & Queck, J. (2021). Exploring viewers' experiences of parasocial interactions with videogame streamers on Twitch. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 24(10), 648–653.
- Chan, C.-., Wessler, H., Rinke, E. M., Welbers, K., van Atteveldt, W. & Althaus, S. (2020). How combining terrorism, Muslim, and refugee topics drives emotional tone in online news: A six-country cross-cultural sentiment analysis. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 14, 3569–3594.
- Chan, C.-., Zeng, J., Wessler, H., Jungblut, M., Welbers, K., Bajjalieh, J. W., van Atteveldt, W. & Althaus, S. L. (2020). Reproducible extraction of cross-lingual topics (rectr). Communication Methods and Measures, 14(4), 285–305.
- Freudenthaler, R. (2020). Which online counter-publics on Facebook are fostering agonistic respect? An assessment of counter-publics debating Germany’s refugee policy. Javnost – The Public, 27(3), 247–265.
- Friemel, T. N., Geber, S., Pfiffner, N., van Weert, J., de Bruijn, G. & Reifegerste, D. (2020). A European journal of health communication in the age of open science. European Journal of Health Communication : EJHC, 1(1), 1–6.
- Jost, P., Ziegele, M. & Naab, T. K. (2020). Klicken oder tippen? Eine Analyse verschiedener Interventionsstrategien in unzivilen Online-Diskussionen auf Facebook. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft : ZPol = Journal of Political Science, 30(2), 193–217.
- Knop-Huelss, K., Rieger, D. & Schneider, F. M. (2020). Thinking about right and wrong: Examining the effect of moral conflict on entertainment experiences, and knowledge. Media Psychology, 23(5), 625–650.
- Leuppert, R. & Geber, S. (2020). Commonly done but not socially accepted? Phubbing and social norms in dyadic and small group settings. Communication Research Reports, 37(3), 55–64.
- Lutz, S., Schneider, F. M. & Vorderer, P. (2020). On the downside of mobile communication: An experimental study about the influence of setting-inconsistent pressure on employees’ emotional well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 105(Article 106216), 1–39.
- Naab, T. K., Heinbach, D., Ziegele, M. & Grasberger, M.-T. (2020). Comments and credibility: How critical user comments decrease perceived news article credibility. Journalism Studies, 21(6), 783–801.
- Schäfer, M. S. & Wessler, H. (2020). Öffentliche Kommunikation in Zeiten künstlicher Intelligenz : Warum und wie die Kommunikationswissenschaft Licht in die Black Box soziotechnischer Innovationen bringen sollte. Publizistik, 65(3), 307–331.
- Wulf, T., Schneider, F. M. & Beckert, S. (2020). Watching players: An exploration of media enjoyment on Twitch. Games and Culture, 15(3), 328–346.
- Ziegele, M., Naab, T. K. & Jost, P. (2020). Lonely together? Identifying the determinants of collective corrective action against uncivil comments. New Media & Society, 22(5), 731–751.
- Zimmermann, F. & Kohring, M. (2020). Mistrust, disinforming news, and vote choice: A panel survey on the origins and consequences of believing disinformation in the 2017 German parliamentary election. Political Communication, 37(2), 215–237.
- Dupont, J., Bytzek, E., Steffens, M. C. & Schneider, F. M. (2019). Which kind of political campaign messages do people perceive as election pledges? Electoral Studies, 57, 121–130.
- Erben, J., Schneider, F. M. & Maier, M. (2019). In the ear of the beholder: Self-other agreement in leadership communication and its relationship with subordinates' job satisfaction. International Journal of Business Communication : IJBC, 56(4), 505–529.
- Geber, S. (2019). Do self-perceived opinion leaders actually lead opinions? Evidence from an observational study on political conversations. Communication Research Reports, 36(3), 209–219.
- Geber, S. (2019). Exploring normative leadership: An egocentric network approach to friends' norm-signaling relevance. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 13, 4198–4218.
- Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2019). Where do norms come from? Peer communication as a factor in normative social influences on risk behavior. Communication Research, 46(5), 708–730.
- Geber, S. & Hefner, D. (2019). Social norms as communicative phenomena: A communication perspective on the theory of normative social behavior. Studies in Communication and Media : SCM, 8(1), 6–28.
- Halfmann, A., Dech, H., Riemann, J., Schlenker, L. & Wessler, H. (2019). Moving closer to the action: How viewers’ experiences of eyewitness videos in TV news influence the trustworthiness of the reports. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly : JMCQ, 96(2), 367–384.
- Halfmann, A. & Rieger, D. (2019). Permanently on call: The effects of social pressure on smartphone users’ self-control, need satisfaction, and well-being. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication : JCMC, 24(4), 165–181.
- Hefner, D., Knop, K., Schmitt, S. & Vorderer, P. (2019). Rules? Role model? Relationship? The impact of parents on their children’s problematic mobile phone involvement. Media Psychology, 22(1), 82–108.
- Knop, K., Lutz, S., Welzenbach-Vogel, I. & Gimmler, R. (2019). Potentiale und Herausforderungen der Smartphone-Nutzung für (gelingende) soziale Beziehungen und f2f-Kommunikation. Medien + Erziehung : Merz, 63(1), 28–36.
- Kohring, M. & Zimmermann, F. (2019). Die wissenschaftliche Beobachtung aktueller Desinformation : Eine Entgegnung auf Armin Scholls und Julia Völkers Anmerkungen in „Fake News, aktuelle Desinformationen und das Problem der Systematisierung“ in M&K 2/
2019. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft : M & K, 67(3), 319–325. - Naab, T. K., Karnowski, V. & Schlütz, D. (2019). Reporting mobile social media use: How survey and experience sampling measures differ. Communication Methods and Measures, 13(2), 126–147.
- Rimal, R. N., Yilma, H., Ryskulova, N. & Geber, S. (2019). Driven to succeed: Improving adolescents' driving behaviors through a personal narrative-based psychosocial intervention in Serbia. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 122, 172–180.
- Schmitt, J. B., Schneider, F. M., Weinmann, C. & Roth, F. S. (2019). Saving Tiger, Orangutan & Co: how subjective knowledge and text complexity influence online information seeking and behavior. Information, Communication & Society : ICS, 22(9), 1193–1211.
- Schnauber-Stockmann, A. & Naab, T. K. (2019). Refining the response-frequency measure of media habit – The role of time pressure. Studies in Communication and Media : SCM, 8(3), 413–429.
- Schnauber-Stockmann, A. & Naab, T. K. (2019). The process of forming a mobile media habit: results of a longitudinal study in a real-world setting. Media Psychology, 22(5), 714–742.
- Schneider, F. M., Bartsch, A. & Oliver, M. B. (2019). Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the appreciation, fun, and suspense scales across US-American and German samples. Journal of Media Psychology, 31(3), 149–156.
- Schneider, F. M. & Halfmann, A. (2019). Digitales Wohlbefinden und Salutogenese. Medien + Erziehung : Merz, 63(1), 20–27.
- Vorderer, P. & Halfmann, A. (2019). Why do we entertain ourselves with media narratives? A theory of resonance perspective on entertainment experiences. Annals of the International Communication Association, 43(2), 79–96.
- Chan, C.-. & Fu, K.-. (2018). The „mutual ignoring“ mechanism of cyberbalkanization: triangulating observational data analysis and agent-based modeling. Journal of Information Technology & Politics : JITP, 15(4), 378–387.
- Fung, I. C.-H., Zeng, J., Chan, C.-., Liang, H., Yin, J., Liu, Z., Tse, Z. T. H. & Fu, K.-. (2018). Twitter and Middle East respiratory syndrome, South Korea, 2015: a multi-lingual study. Infection, Health and Disease, 23(1), 10–16.
- Lück, J., Wessler, H., Maia, R. & Wozniak, A. (2018). Journalist-source relations and the deliberative system: A network performance approach to investigating journalism’s contribution to facilitating public deliberation in a globalized world. The International Communication Gazette, 80(6), 509–531.
- Lück, J., Wessler, H., Wozniak, A. & Lycarião, D. (2018). Counterbalancing global media frames with nationally colored narratives: A comparative study of news narratives and news framing in the climate change coverage of five countries. Journalism : Theory, Practice & Criticism, 19(12), 1635–1656.
- Naab, T. K., Kalch, A. & Meitz, T. G. K. (2018). Flagging uncivil user comments: Effects of intervention information, type of victim, and response comments on bystander behavior. New Media & Society, 20(2), 777–795.
- Oliver, M. B., Raney, A. A., Slater, M. D., Appel, M., Hartmann, T., Bartsch, A., Schneider, F. M., Janicke-Bowles, S. H., Krämer, N., Mares, M.-L., Vorderer, P., Rieger, D., Dale, K. R. & Das, E. (2018). Self-transcendent media experiences: Taking meaningful media to a higher level. Journal of Communication, 68(2), 380–389.
- Reich, S., Schneider, F. M. & Heling, L. (2018). Zero Likes – Symbolic interactions and need satisfaction online. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 97–102.
- Reinecke, L., Klimmt, C., Meier, A., Reich, S., Hefner, D., Knop-Huelss, K., Rieger, D. & Vorderer, P. (2018). Permanently online and permanently connected: Development and validation of the Online Vigilance Scale. PLOS ONE, 13(10), e0205384.
- Roth, F. S., Weinmann, C., Schneider, F. M., Hopp, F. R., Bindl, M. J. & Vorderer, P. (2018). Curving entertainment: The curvilinear relationship between hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment experiences while watching a political talk show and its implications for information processing. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 7(4), 499–517.
- Schmitt, J. B., Debbelt, C. A. & Schneider, F. M. (2018). Too much information? Predictors of information overload in the context of online news exposure. Information, Communication & Society : ICS, 21(8), 1151–1167.
- Sonnentag, S., Reinecke, L., Mata, J. & Vorderer, P. (2018). Feeling interrupted – being responsive: How online messages related to affect at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB, 39(3), 369–383.
- Weinmann, C. & Vorderer, P. (2018). A normative perspective for political entertainment research: Connecting deliberative democracy and entertainment theory. Communication Theory, 28(4), 466–486.
- Wessler, H., Haffner, P. & Rinke, E. M. (2018). Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt: Über die Vorteile eines ebenenübergreifenden normativen Basiskonzepts für die empirische Erforschung der digitalen Kommunikation. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft : M & K, 66(4), 395–406.
- Zimmermann, F. & Kohring, M. (2018). „Fake News“ als aktuelle Desinformation : Systematische Bestimmung eines heterogenen Begriffs. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft : M & K, 66(4), 526–541.
- Bauer, A. A., Loy, L. S., Masur, P. K. & Schneider, F. M. (2017). Mindful instant messaging : mindfulness and autonomous motivation as predictors of well-being in smartphone communication. Journal of Media Psychology, 29(3), 159–165.
- Chan, C.-. & Fu, K.-. (2017). The relationship between cyberbalkanization and opinion polarization : time-series analysis on Facebook pages and opinion polls during the Hong Kong occupy movement and the associated debate on political reform. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication : JCMC, 22(5), 266–283.
- Ernst, J., Schmitt, J. B., Rieger, D., Beier, A. K., Vorderer, P., Bente, G. & Roth, H.-J. (2017). A qualitative content analysis of user comments on YouTube related to counter speech videos. Journal for Deradicalization : JD, 10, 1–49.
- Kalch, A. & Naab, T. K. (2017). Replying, disliking, flagging: How users engage with uncivil and impolite comments on news sites. Studies in Communication and Media : SCM, 6(4), 395–419.
- Naab, T. K. & Sehl, A. (2017). Studies of user-generated content : A systematic review. Journalism : Theory, Practice & Criticism, 18(10), 1256–1273.
- Potthoff, M. & Zimmermann, F. (2017). Is there a gender-based fragmentation of communication science? An investigation of the reasons for the apparent gender homophily in citations. Scientometrics, 112(2), 1047–1063.
- Rieger, D., Hefner, D. & Vorderer, P. (2017). Mobile recovery? The impact of smartphone use on recovery experiences in waiting situations. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(2), 161–177.
- Schieferdecker, D. & Wessler, H. (2017). Bridging segregation via media exposure? Ingroup identification, outgroup distance, and low direct contact reduce outgroup appearance in media repertoires. Journal of Communication, 67(6), 993–1014.
- Schneider, F. M. (2017). Measuring subjective movie evaluation criteria: Conceptual foundation, construction, and validation of the SMEC scales. Communication Methods and Measures, 11(1), 49–75.
- Schneider, F. M., Otto, L. & Bartsch, A. (2017). Das ist doch kein Zustand! Zur Messung von States und Traits in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft : M & K, 65(1), 83–100.
- Schneider, F. M., Zwillich, B., Bindl, M. J., Hopp, F. R., Reich, S. & Vorderer, P. (2017). Social media ostracism: The effects of being excluded online. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 385–393.
- Weinmann, C., Roth, F. S., Schneider, F. M., Krämer, T., Hopp, F. R., Bindl, M. J. & Vorderer, P. (2017). „I don't care about politics, I just like that guy!“ Affective disposition and political attributes in information processing of political talk shows. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 11, 3118–3148.
- Wozniak, A., Wessler, H. & Lück, J. (2017). Who prevails in the visual framing contest about the UN Climate Change Conferences? Journalism Studies, 18(11), 1433–1452.
- Zeng, J., Chan, C.-. & Fu, K.-. (2017). How social media construct „truth“ around crisis events : Weibo's rumor management strategies after the 2015 Tianjin blasts. Policy & Internet, 9(3), 297–320.
- Dupont, J., Bytzek, E., Steffens, M. C. & Schneider, F. M. (2016). Die Bedeutung von politischem Vertrauen für die Glaubwürdigkeit von Wahlversprechen. Politische Psychologie, 5(1), 5–27.
- Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2016). Tailoring in risk communication by linking risk profiles and communication preferences: The case of speeding of young car drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 97, 315–325.
- Geber, S., Scherer, H. & Hefner, D. (2016). Social capital in media societies: The impact of media use and media structures on social capital. International Communication Gazette, 78(6), 493–513.
- Hartmann, T., Wirth, W., Schramm, H., Klimmt, C., Vorderer, P., Gysbers, A., Böcking, S., Ravaja, N., Laarni, J., Saari, T., Gouveia, F. & Sacau, A. M. (2016). The Spatial Presence Experience Scale (SPES): a short self-report measure for diverse media settings. Journal of Media Psychology, 28(1), 1–15.
- Keppler, A. (2016). „Can the audience want?“ On the artistic status of contemporary TV-series. Contemporary Aesthetics : CA, 14(Spec.5), 1–18.
- Keppler, A. (2016). Ein Ende der Gesprächskultur? Über eine vermeintliche Folge der digitalen Medien. TV-Diskurs, 20(1=75), 28–31.
- Knop-Huelss, K., Öncü, J. S., Penzel, J., Abele, T. S., Brunner, T., Vorderer, P. & Wessler, H. (2016). Offline time is quality time: comparing within-group self-disclosure in mobile messaging applications and face-to-face interactions. Computers in Human Behavior, 55(B), 1076–1084.
- Kohring, M. (2016). Misunderstanding trust in science: a critique of the traditional discourse on science communication. Journal of Science Communication : JCOM, 15(5), C04, 1–4.
- Lück, J., Wozniak, A. & Wessler, H. (2016). Networks of coproduction : how journalists and environmental NGOs create common interpretations of the UN Climate Change Conferences.
The International Journal of Press/
Politics, 21(1), 25–47. - Naab, T. K. (2016). Der Sanktionsbedarf von Facebook-Inhalten aus Sicht von NutzerInnen und seine Determinanten. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft : M & K, 64(1), 56–73.
- Naab, T. K. & Schnauber, A. (2016). Habitual initiation of media use and a response-frequency measure for its examination. Media Psychology, 19(1), 126 –155.
- Odağ, ., Hofer, M., Schneider, F. M. & Knop-Huelss, K. (2016). Testing measurement equivalence of eudaimonic and hedonic entertainment motivations in a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 45(2), 108–125.
- Schneider, F. M., Weinmann, C., Roth, F. S., Knop-Huelss, K. & Vorderer, P. (2016). Learning from entertaining online video clips? Enjoyment and appreciation and their differential relationships with knowledge and behavioral intentions. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 475–482.
- Starke, C., Naab, T. K. & Scherer, H. (2016). Free to expose corruption: The impact of media freedom, internet access and governmental online service delivery on corruption. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 10, 4702–4722.
- Vorderer, P. (2016). Communication and the Good Life: Why and how our discipline should make a difference. Journal of Communication, 66(1), 1–12.
- Vorderer, P., Krömer, N. & Schneider, F. M. (2016). Permanently online – permanently connected: Explorations into university students’ use of social media and mobile smart devices. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 694–703.
- Vorderer, P. & Weinmann, C. (2016). Getting the discipline in communication with itself. Journal of Communication, 66(2), 211–214.
- Weinmann, C., Schneider, F. M., Roth, F. S., Bindl, M. J. & Vorderer, P. (2016). Testing measurement invariance of hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment experiences across media formats. Communication Methods and Measures, 10(4), 248–257.
- Wessler, H., Rinke, E. M. & Löb, C. (2016). Should we be Charlie? A deliberative take on religion and secularism in mediated public spheres. Journal of Communication, 66(2), 314–327.
- Wessler, H., Wozniak, A., Hofer, L. & Lück, J. (2016). Global multimodal news frames on climate change : a comparison of five democracies around the world.
The International Journal of Press/
Politics, 21(4), 423–445.
- Geber, S. & Scherer, H. (2015). My voter, my party, and me: American and German parliamentarians on facebook. Journal of Information Technology & Politics : JITP, 12(4), 360–377.
- Keppler, A. (2015). Verarmung oder Bereicherung? Zur Rolle von Smartphones in alltäglichen Gesprächen. KM : Das Magazin von Kulturmanagement Network, 104, 10–13.
- Mai, L. M., Freudenthaler, R., Schneider, F. M. & Vorderer, P. (2015). „I know you've seen it!“ Individual and social factors for users' chatting behavior on Facebook. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 296–302.
- Marker, C. & Schneider, F. M. (2015). Further evidence for the validity of the Need Inventory of Sensation Seeking. Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 41–44.
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- Vorderer, P. & Reinecke, L. (2015). From mood to meaning: The changing model of the user in entertainment research. Communication Theory, 25(4), 447–453.
- Wozniak, A., Lück, J. & Wessler, H. (2015). Frames, stories, and images : the advantages of a multimodal approach in comparative media content research on climate change. Environmental Communication, 9(4), 469–490.
- Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (Hrsg.) (2021). The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory . New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Peter, C., Naab, T. K. & Kühne, R. (Hrsg.) (2019). Measuring media use and exposure : recent developments and challenges . Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Vorderer, P., Hefner, D., Reinecke, L. & Klimmt, C. (Hrsg.) (2018). Permanently online, permanently connected : living and communicating in a POPC world . New York ; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Wessler, H. (2018). Habermas and the media . Cambridge, UK ; Medford, MA: Polity Press.
- Geber, S. (2017). Wie Meinungsführer Meinung kommunizieren : Meinungsführerschaft in der politischen Alltagskommunikation . Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Keppler, A., Popp, J.-F. & Seel, M. (Hrsg.) (2015). Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino . Frankfurt, M. ; New York, NY: Campus Verlag.
- Altmeppen, K.-D., Donges, P., Künzler, M., Puppis, M., Röttger, U. & Wessler, H. (Hrsg.) (2015). Soziale Ordnung durch Kommunikation? Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Mazzoleni, G., Barnhurst, K. G., Ken'ichi, I., Maia, R. C. M. & Wessler, H. (Hrsg.) (2015). The international encyclopedia of political communication . New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Keppler, A. (2015). Das Fernsehen als Sinnproduzent : soziologische Fallstudien . Berlin ; München [u.a.]: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Knop, K., Hefner, D., Schmitt, S. & Vorderer, P. (2015). Mediatisierung mobil : Handy- und mobile Internetnutzung von Kindern und Jugendlichen . Leipzig: VISTAS.
- Naab, T. K., Peter, C., Bilandzic, H., Lauf, E. & Hartmann, T. (2015). How to go international: DGPuK-Wegweiser Publizieren und Referieren in der internationalen Kommunikationswissenschaft (2. Aufl.) . Augsburg ; München: Universität Augsburg , Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik-und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK).
- Peltzer, A. & Keppler, A. (2015). Die soziologische Film- und Fernsehanalyse . Berlin [u.a.]: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
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- Naab, T. K. & Küchler, C. (2023). Content analysis in the research field of online user comments. In F. Oehmer-Pedrazzi, S. H. Kessler, E. Humprecht, K. Sommer & L. Castro (Hrsg.), Standardisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft : ein Handbuch (S. 441–450). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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- Halfmann, A. & Reinecke, L. (2021). Binge-watching as case of escapist entertainment use. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Hrsg.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (S. 181–203). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Schneider, F. M., Bartsch, A. & Leonhard, L. (2021). An extended dual-process model of entertainment effects on political information processing and engagement. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Hrsg.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (S. 537–557). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Schneider, F. M., Vogel, I. C., Gleich, U. & Bartsch, A. (2021). How do people evaluate movies?: Insights from the associative-propositional evaluation model. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Hrsg.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (S. 583–605). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Vorderer, P. (2021). Entertainment and resonance. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Hrsg.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (S. 1–17). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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- Keppler, A. (2020). Filmsoziologie als Teil einer Kultursoziologie. In A. Geimer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Filmsoziologie (S. 1–17). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.–1
- Keppler, A. & Peltzer, A. (2020). Die soziologische Filmanalyse – Relevanz, Vorgehen und Ziel. In A. Geimer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Filmsoziologie (S. 1–18). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.–1
- Vorderer, P., Park, D. W. & Lutz, S. (2020). A history of media effects research traditions. In M. B. Oliver (Hrsg.), Media effects : advances in theory and research (4. Aufl., S. 1–15). New York, NY ; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Wessler, H. (2020). Constructive engagement across deep divides : What it entails and how it changes our role as communication scholars. In M. Powers (Hrsg.), Rethinking media research for changing societies (S. 139–152). New York, NY [u.a.]: Cambridge University Press.
- Wessler, H., Freudenthaler, R., Haffner, P. & Jakob, J. (2020). Öffentlichkeitstheorien. In I. Borucki (Hrsg.), Handbuch Politische Kommunikation (S. 1–16). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.–1
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- Keppler, A. (2019). „Zeig‘ mal“: Smartphones im Gespräch. In K. Marx (Hrsg.), Interaktion und Medien : interaktionsanalytische Zugänge zu medienvermittelter Kommunikation (S. 177–190). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
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- Hefner, D., Knop, K. & Vorderer, P. (2018). „I wanna be in the loop!“ – The role of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) for the quantity and quality of young adolescents' mobile phone use. In R. Kühne (Hrsg.), Youth and media : current perspectives on media use and effects (S. 39–53). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Hefner, D., Rinke, E. M. & Schneider, F. M. (2018). The POPC citizen : political information in the fourth age of political communication. In P. Vorderer (Hrsg.), Permanently online, permanently connected : living and communicating in a POPC world (S. 199–207). New York, NY ; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Keppler, A. (2018). Bilder im Gespräch. Zur Veränderung eines Prototyps gesellschaftlicher Interaktion. In M. R. Müller (Hrsg.), Das Bild als soziologisches Problem : Herausforderungen einer Theorie visueller Sozialkommunikation (S. 40–56). Weinheim ; Basel: Beltz Juventa.
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- Keppler, A. (2018). Medien, Lebenswelt und Alltagshandeln. In D. Hoffmann (Hrsg.), Mediensoziologie : Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium (S. 71–85). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- Keppler, A. (2018). Potenzielle und faktische Medienrezeption – zwei Seiten einer Medaille. In U. Autenrieth (Hrsg.), Medien als Alltag : Festschrift für Klaus Neumann-Braun (S. 227–245). Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Keppler, A. & Peltzer, A. (2018). Film- und Fernsehanalyse. In L. Akremi (Hrsg.), Handbuch Interpretativ forschen (S. 741–774). Weinheim ; Basel: Beltz Juventa.
- Naab, T. K. & Schnauber-Stockmann, A. (2018). Machen Gewohnheiten uns (un)aufmerksam gegenüber Medieninhalten? Der Zusammenhang zwischen wiederholter Nutzung, automatischer Selektion und Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber Inhalten während der Rezeption. In C. Wilhelm, N. Podschuweit, M. Hofer & T. Koch (Hrsg.), Medienwahl : aktuelle Konzepte, Befunde und methodische Zugänge (S. 35–52). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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- Schneider, F. M., Reich, S. & Reinecke, L. (2018). Methodological challenges of POPC for communication research. In P. Vorderer (Hrsg.), Permanently online, permanently connected : living and communicating in a POPC world (S. 29–39). New York, NY ; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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- Lück, J., Wessler, H. & Wozniak, A. (2017). Journalistische Narrative in der Klimaberichterstattung. Eine vergleichende Inhaltsanalyse zur Identifikation und Erklärung journalistischer Erzählungen in Zeitungsnachrichten. In M. Beiler (Hrsg.), 100 Jahre Kommunikationswissenschaft in Deutschland : von einem Spezialfach zur Integrationsdisziplin (S. 333–347). Konstanz ; München: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
- Naab, T. K. (2017). Statistics, Descriptive. In J. Matthes (Hrsg.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods (S. 1–5). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.
- Vorderer, P. & Schneider, F. M. (2017). Social media and ostracism. In K. D. Williams (Hrsg.), Ostracism, exclusion, and rejection (S. 240–257). New York ; London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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