Alina Ivanenko, Prof. Ph.D. aus der Ukraine (nun wohnhaft in Mannheim) mit Erfahrung im Lehren und Forschen zu juristischen Disziplinen und der Geschichte von Staat und Recht.
In 2011 schloss sie ihr Studium mit Auszeichung an der Chernihiv National Pedagogical University, benannt nach Taras Shevchenko, in „Pedagogics and Methodic of Teaching in Middle school, history“ ab und erhielt einen Master-Abschluss in Pädagogik. Am 19.04.2016 verteidigte sie ihre Dissertation mit dem Thema „Nizhyn Law Lyceum in education sphere, scientific and socio-cultural life of Ukraine (1840 – 1875)“. Am 27.11.2020 verteidigte Dissertation mit dem Thema: „Local judicial institutions, advocate and notary systems in the apparatus of Reichskommissariat ‘Ukraine’ and military occupation zone (1941 – 1944)“. Sie erhielt ihren Doktorgrad in Geschichte am 15.04.2021. Seit dem 20. Juni 2023 ist Alina Ivanenko Inhaberin des akadamischen Titels Professor T für Recht, Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft an der T.H. Shevchenko National University ‘Chernihiv Collegium’. 68 wissenschaftliche und wissenschaftlich-methodische Werke wurden von ihr herausgegeben, darunter 1 Monographie, 5 wissenschaftlich-methodische Lehrbücher, 40 Artikel in Fachverlagen der Ukraine und 4 Artikel, die in den szienometrischen Datenbanken Web of Science und Scopus indexiert sind. Ihr Forschungsinteresse ist der Entwicklungsprozess des Staates und der staatlichen Institutionen in verschiedenen Perioden seiner Existenz von der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart.
- Geschichte des ukrainischen Staats und seines Rechtssystems
- Geschichte von Staat und Recht in europäischen Ländern
- Theorie von Staat und Recht
- Geschichte der Justiz- und Menschenrechtsbehörden der Ukraine
- Reichskommissariat „Ukraine“
- Ivanenko A. Functioning peculiarities of the local governing bodies’ legal departments in the north-east regions of occupied Ukraine (1941–1943). Scientific notes of Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk. Series: History / editor in chief Ivan Zulyak. Ternopil, 2019. Volume 1. (in Ukrainian language)
- Ivanenko A. Problems of the judicial system functioning in the Reichcomissariat “Ukraine” as seen by the representatives of the german occupational power apparatus. Journal of Ukrainian History. Kyiv,2020. Volume 41. (in Ukrainian language)
- Ivanenko A. Local legal institutions functioning in the field of military administration responsibility in the occupied Ukraine (1941 – 1943). Scientific notes of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky. Collection of scientific works. Series: History. Vinnitsa: «Tvory», 2019. Volume. 29. (in Ukrainian language)
- Ivanenko A. Local courts, advocacy and notaries in the occupation apparatus system of the Reich Commissariat “Ukraine” and the military occupation zone (1941-1944): social and legal dimensions. Chernihiv: Public joint-stock company the polygrafhic and publishing complex DESNA (PJSC PPC DESNA), 2020. (in Ukrainian language)
- Ivanenko A. Legal practice of the minors’ rights and interests protection in the Reichcommissariat „Ukraine“ and the military occupation zone (1941–1944). Scientific notes of the Tavriya National University named after Vernadsky. Series: historical sciences. volume31 (70) № 1, 2020. (in Ukrainian language)
- Ivanenko A. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the justice bodies operation during the nazi occupation of Ukraine (1941 – 1944). Hileya: Scientific Bulletin. Кyiv : «Publishing house «Hileya», 2019. Volume 149 (No 10). Part 1. Historical Sciences. (in Ukrainian language)
- Ivanenko A. Implementation of work and the first results of the activity of notary and advocacy on the territory of the Reichskommisariat “Ukraine” (1940–1942). Current issues of humanitarian sciences: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Ivan Franko Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Drohobych. 2022. Вип. 58. Том 1. C. 28 – 34
- Ivanenko A. Honcharenko O. Training of engineering and technical staff in professional education institutions in the german occupation zones of Ukraine in 1941 – 1944. Skhidnoievropeiskyi Istorychnyi Visnyk [East European Historical Bulletin]. Issue 24. 2022. P. 131 – 149.
- Ivanenko A. The place of legal departments of local governments in the system of the occupation regime of the Reichskommissariat “Ukraine” and the military zone of occupation (1941–1944). Current issues of humanitarian sciences: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Ivan Franko Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Drohobych: „Helvetika“ Publishing House, 2023. Вип. 60. Том 2. C. 26 – 32.
- Ivanenko A. Work practices of local criminal courts in the territory of Chernihiv and Sumy regions during the german occupation (1941–1944). Current issues of humanitarian sciences: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Ivan Franko Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Drohobych: „Helvetika“ Publishing House,2023. Вип. 61. Том 1. C. 35 – 40
- Ivanenko A. The initial work stages of judicial institutions in the occupied territories of Ukraine (1941–1942). Academic notes of the Tauriyya National University named after V.I. Vernadsky Series: Historical Sciences. Том 34 (73) № 1 2023. C. 54 – 61.
- Ivanenko A. Honcharenko O. Participation of Local Administration Bodies of Provisional Military Administration and Reichskommissariat ‘Ukraine’ in Ensuring Holocaust Measures (1941-1944). Емінак. 2023. No1 (41). C. 181 – 200.
- Ivanenko A. Peculiarities of legal regulation of criminal justice by the German occupation administration on the territory of modern Chernihiv and Sumy regions (1941-1943). Chronicle of Volyn All-Ukrainian scientific journal. 27. „Helvetica“ publishing house, 2022. C. 111 – 116.
- Ivanenko A., Hryshchenko O. Implementation of criminal enforcement practice in the scientific works of T. A. Denisova. Scientific readings dedicated to the memory of Professor T.A. Denisova: collection of materials, Zaporizhzhia, March 10, 2022. Classical private university. Zaporizhzhia: KPU, 2022. P. 26–29.
- Ivanenko A. Academic integrity as an element of the ethical culture of a lawyer. Academic integrity: modern challenges: a collection of scientific essays by participants of the remote stage of scientific training for educators (Republic of Poland, Warsaw, 27.06.2022 – 05.08.2022) / comp. Yu. Glavcheva; Polish-Ukrainian Foundation „Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation“; Theological Academy of Cardinal Stefan Vyshinskyi University; ADD Foundation. Warsaw, 2022. C. 116 – 119.
- History of state and law of Ukraine (FWS 2023)
- Theory of state and Law (for beginners) in English (HWS 2024)
- Theory of state and Law (for advanced) in English (HWS 2024)