Prof. Dr. Ivan Balykin

Prof. Dr. Ivan Balykin

Wissenschaft­licher Mitarbeiter
Universität Mannheim
Historisches Institut
Lehr­stuhl für Zeitgeschichte
L 7, 7 – Raum 207
68161 Mannheim
Di, Fr 11–12 Uhr, nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail

Ivan Balykin ist ein Assoc. Prof. Dr. aus der Ukraine (derzeit in Mannheim wohnhaft) mit Fach­kenntnissen in ukrainischer Kultur, Politik, Geschichte und Recht. Das Thema von Ivan Balykins Master­arbeit, die er 2009 verteidigte, lautete „Die periodische Presse als Quelle für die Erforschung der ukrainisch-russischen Beziehungen im Kontext der Autonomen Republik Krim (1991-2001)“. Das Thema seiner Doktorarbeit war „Die nationale (ethnische) Politik der sowjetischen Behörden im Donbas (1943-1985)“, die er 2015 verteidigte. Das Thema seiner juristischen Abschlussarbeit im Jahr 2018 war „Der Schutz der Kinderrechte unter den Bedingungen einer Anti-Terror-Operation in der Ukraine“. Er wählt immer Themen aus, die zum Höhepunkt der historischen Ereignisse relevant sind. Er fördert einen interdisziplinären Ansatz in der Wissenschaft. Dr. Balykin ist ein Cineast. Lola, die Katze, begleitet ihn oft bei seinen Aktivitäten.

  • Forschungs­schwerpunkte

    • Geschichte der Ukraine
    • Nationale (ethnische) Politik
    • Staats- und Rechts­geschichte
    • Juristische Zeitgeschichte
  • Publikationen

    • Balykin, Ivan, Chumachenko, Dmytro, Shevchenko, Natalia, Bulbeniuk, Svitlana. Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education. Program of online training events for the teachers of higher education (March 15 – April 12, 2023). ed. NGO “Progresylni”. Kyiv: NGO “Progresylni”, 2023. 4 p. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan, Balykina-Halanets, Ludmila. Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in Ukraine: Theory and Practice. In: Human Rights in the Period of Armed Conflicts: Collection. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the National University “Odesa Law Academy” (Odesa, November 18, 2022). National University “Odesa Law Academy”; Department of International and European Law, National University “OLA”. Odesa, 2022. Vol. 2. P. 80–85. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Yatsyshyn, Anna, Balykin, Ivan, Yatsyshyn, Theodosia, Kasyan, Serhii. A scientist’s brand in the digital world. PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM. ed. Scientist Support Office. Kyiv: UGO “Innovative University”, Scientist Support Office, 2023. 8 p. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan, Balykina-Halanets, Ludmila. Selecting Innovative Approaches to Teaching English to Law Students Via Questionnaire Analysis. In: Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 170. Atlantis Press, 2021. P. 168–174.
    • Balykin, Ivan, Balykina-Halanets, Ludmila. English Language with a Narrow Specialization. In: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «CURRENT ISSUES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEGAL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE» (Kyiv, May 21, 2021). V. 2. Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, 2021. P. 364. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Policy of Protection of Children’s Rights in Conditions of Armed Conflicts. Statement of the Issue. In: Ukraine of the 21st century: trends and prospects of development: materials of the 21st All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference (Kyiv, October 29, 2020). Publishing House of the European University, 2020. P. 208–210.
    • Balykin, Ivan, Balykina-Halanets, Ludmila. Comparative Legal Analysis of Educational Measures for Minors Who Have Committed an Administrative Offense in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. In: Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, [S.l.]. Spring 2019. Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): JARLE Volume X Issue 1(39). P. 274–284.
    • Balykin, Ivan. Fighting joining of teens to destructive online communities. In: Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy. №32(3). Poland, Legnica, 2019. P. 83–95.
    • Balykin, Ivan. Fighting participation of adolescents in destructive online communities. In: Scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Current issues of modern science and practice” (Kyiv, November 15, 2018). “KROK” University. Kyiv: “KROK” University, 2018. P. 590–594.
    • Balykin, Ivan. National Policy of the Soviet Authorities in Donbas 1943–1985 : [monograph]. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU, 2018. 441 p. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Theoretical and normative consolidation of the national policy of the Soviet state in the Program of the CPSU in 1961. In: Diplomacy and Law. No. 1(4). Georgia, Tbilisi, 2018. 187–190.
    • Frantsuz, Anatolii, and Ivan Balykin. „Problems of protection of the rights of the child in the conditions of ATO.“ In: Legal Bulletin of “KROK” University. Vol. 30. Kyiv, 2018. 19–28.
    • Balykin, Ivan. Resolutions and Decisions of Congresses, Conferences, and Plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (the mid-1940s – mid-1980s) Regarding National Policy as a Source for Studying the History of the State and Law of Ukraine. In: Scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Modern scientific trends”. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2017. 197–200. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan, Balykina-Halanets, Ludmila. The Historical Process of the Formation of Parliamentarism on the Territory of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus: a Comparative Analysis. In: Collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference “Traditions of the University: from Francysk Skaryna to the present”. Ed. Belarusian State University. Minsk: BSU Publishing Center, 2017. 10–13. (in russischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Normative-legal basis of private detective (investigation) activity in Ukraine. In: International scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and legal foundations of the formation, development, and activity of the institute of private detectives: domestic and foreign practice”. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Ivano-Frantsivsk: Foliant Printing House, 2017. 79–82.
    • Balykin, Ivan. The National Policy of the Soviet Power in the Language Environment of the Donbas (1943-1985). In: CONFERINŢA ŞTIINŢIFICĂ DEZVOLTAREA ECONOMIEI DE PIAȚĂ, SOCIETĂȚII DEMOCRATICE si ÎNVĂȚĂMÂNULUI SUPERIOR ÎN CONTEXT EUROPEAN. Universitatea „PERSPECTIVA-INT”. Chișinău: Universitatea „Perspectiva-INT”, 2017. 51–57.
    • Balykin, Ivan. Normative-legal basis of private detective (investigation) activity in Ukraine. In: International scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and legal foundations of the formation, development, and activity of the institute of private detectives: domestic and foreign practice”. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2017. 69–72.
    • Balykin, Ivan. The status of the implementation of the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine. In: Scientific notes of NaUKMA. – Legal Sciences 200. Kyiv: National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, 2017. 120–121.
    • Balykin, Ivan. Regarding the Expediency of Making Changes to the Charter of the Territorial Community of the City of Kyiv in the Matter of the Capital's Cultural Heritage. In: Annual Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Ukrainian Perspectives in Global Development”. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2016. 4–7. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Normative and Legal Regulation of the Historical and Cultural Component of Kyiv in Terms of Urban Processes. In: International scientific and practical conference “Public space as an object of legal regulation”. Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine. Kyiv: Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, 2016. 17–23. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The Constitution of the USSR of 1977 through the Prism of National Policy. In: International round table “The idea of people-centeredness in modern constitutionalism (to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine)”. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2016. 11–15. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The Results of the Implementation of the Soviet National Policy in Donbas (1943–1985). In: Human rights – modern trends in the context of the development of the state, law, and economy. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2015. 7–10. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The National Composition of the Repressed in Donbas in 1941–1982. In: Actual scientific research of modern legal science: theory and practice. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2016. 17–20. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The Concept of the Implementation of National Policy by the Soviet Authorities in Donbas (1943–1985). In: Law Bulletin of “KROK” University. Vol. 21. Kyiv, 2015. 73–82. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Normative and Legal Consolidation of the Principles of National Policy in the 1977 Constitution. In: The evolution of scientific thought in the context of the European choice of Ukraine: materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2015. 311–312. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. National Policy on the Pages of the CPSU Program of 1961. In: Collection of materials of the 1st All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference Current problems in the education system general educational institution – pre-university training – higher educational institution. Institute of pre-university training of the National Aviation University. Kyiv: National Aviation University, 2015. 15–21. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The National Policy of the Soviet Authorities in Donbas (1943–1985) : autoref. thesis ... candidate law sciences: 07.00.01 “History of Ukraine”. Kyiv: National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, 2015. 20 p. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The First Results of the Survey “National Policy of the Soviet Authorities in Donbas (1943–1982)”. In: Actual problems of modern scientific thought: materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists. Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law. Kyiv: Higher educational institution “KROK” University of Economics and Law, 2014. 424–426. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The Constitution of the USSR of 1977 as a Fundamental Document of National Policy in the Era of L. Brezhnev. In: Materials of X international scientific and practical conference « Key questions in modern science-2014». Sofia, 2014. Vol. 13, History. 3–7. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Consequences of the Policy of the Soviet Government for Certain Nationalities in Donbas (1943–1982). In: Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. Vol. 4 (122). Kyiv, 2014. 8–10. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Ethnical Composition of Donbas (1943-1982 years). In: Nauka i studia. Historyczne nauki. Przemysl, 2014. № 17 (127). 68–75.
    • Balykin, Ivan. National Policy in Resolutions and Decisions of Congresses, Conferences, and Plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (1943–1982). In: Historical archive. Vol. 13. Mykolaiv, 2014. 10–14. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The Results of the Implementation of the Soviet National Policy in Donbas (1943–1982). In: Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. № 272. Simferopol, 2014. 105–110. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Understanding the Implementation of National Policy by the Soviet Authorities in Donbas (1943–1982). In: Edges of History. Vol. 7. Horlivka, 2014. 66–78. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The National Composition of the Repressed in Donbas in 1941–1982. In: Shid. № 2 (128). Donetsk, 2014. 65–68. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The National Policy of the Soviet Government in the School Education System 1943–1982 (Based on the Materials of the Donetsk Oblast`). In: Shid. № 1 (127). Donetsk, 2014. 113–119. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Coverage of the National Policy of the Soviet Government on the Pages of the Party-Soviet Press of Donbas (1943–1982). In: Bulletin of the Eastern Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl. №16, Part 2. Luhansk, 2013. 12–17. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. National Composition and Social Structure of the Population of Donbas by Main Nationalities According to the Censuses of 1959, 1970, and 1979. In: Museum Bulletin. № 13/2. Zaporizhzhia, 2013. 7–13. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. General Characteristics of the National Composition of the Population of Donbas (1943–1982). In: Bulletin of the Mariupol State University. Series: History. Politology. Vol. 7–8. Mariupol, 2013. 14–22. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. The National Policy of the Soviet Authorities in the Linguistic Environment of Donbas (1943–1982). In: Historical and Political Studies. № 3 (53). Donetsk, 2013. 241–251. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Source Materials for the Study of the National Composition of the Voroshilovgrad Oblast` Party Organization of the CP(b)U (1943–1964). In: Materials of the VIII Scientific and Practical Conference “The First Step in Science”. Vol. 1. Luhansk : Globus-Print, 2013. 36–38. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Source Materials for the Study of the National Composition of the Stalino Oblast` Party Organization of the CP(b)U (1943–1964). In: Ukrainian Statehood: History and Modernity: collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, Mariupol, November 23. 2012. Ed. K. V. Balabanov. Mariupol, 2012. 65–67. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
    • Balykin, Ivan. Implementation of the National Policy of the Soviet Government in Donbas (1943–1991): problem statement. In: Materials of the scientific conference of professors and teaching staff, research workers, and post-graduate students of Donetsk National University based on the results of research work for the period 2009–2010. Vol. 2. Ed. P. V. Yehorova, S. V. Bespalova. Donetsk, 2011. 138–139. (in ukrainischer Sprache)
  • Gremien

    • Mitglied im Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands, seit 2023.
    • Mitglied im Verein zur Förderung des Historischen Instituts und des Antikensaals an der Universität Mannheim e.V., seit 2023.
    • Mitbegründer und Moderator der ukrainischen Pädagogengemeinschaft der Hochschul-NGO „Progresylni“, seit 2019.
    • Koordinator des Scholars Support Office des Ministeriums für Bildung und Wissenschaft der Ukraine in den Tätigkeits­bereichen: Popularisierung wissenschaft­licher Errungenschaften, seit 2022.
    • Experte für die Akkreditierung von Bildungs­programmen der Nationalen Agentur für Qualitätssicherung im Hochschul­bereich der Ukraine, seit 2021.
    • Experte für die Akkreditierungs­prüfung von Bildungs­programmen der beruflichen Vorhochschul­bildung des Staatlichen Dienstes für Bildungs­qualität der Ukraine, seit 2022.
    • Mitglied des Ukrainischen Verbands für Oral History, seit 2023.
    • Mitglied des Vereins für sozialrechtliche Studien, seit 2023
  • Lehre


    • Ukraine Today & Yesterday: Culture, Politics, History (FSS 2023, in englischer Sprache).


    • “Modern History of Ukraine. The Path of Eurointegration” (Die immersive Übung mit der Nutzung einer VR-Brille) (HWS 2023, in englischer Sprache)
    • “Politics of Memory: Evolution of Ukrainian History Education” (FSS 2024, in englischer Sprache)