Dr. Emilija Gagrčin

Dr. Emilija Gagrčin

Academic Staff
University of Mannheim
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
B 6, 30–32 – Room 450
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
By appointment via E-Mail

Dr. Emilija Gagrčin is a research associate at the chair of Professor Dr. Teresa Naab. Until December 2022, she was a research associate at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and a PhD candidate at the Free University of Berlin at the chair of Professor Dr. Martin Emmer. She studied political participation and citizenship norms in social media environments in her dissertation.

Her research focus is on political media use. In particular, she is interested in social, normative, and infrastructural aspects of digital political communication, such as on social media and messenger apps. She focuses on norms and competencies necessary for a democratic coexistence in networked societies.

Dr. Emilija Gagrčin is affiliated with the Digital Political Inequality Lab at the University of California in Santa Barbara and the Weizenbaum Panel research group at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin. She is also a representative of Early-Career Scholars in the management team of the Political Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Conference (ECREA).
