Academic Research and Writing
Please follow the citation guidelines of the Institute of Media and Communication Studies in all written exams. These consist of the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA Style, Sixth Edition).
You can find an overview of the guidelines on the APA-Website and in the APA citation manual.
You can find the printed version of the APA manual in the library.
Notice With Regard to Plagiarism
If you are an International Student, you must add the following signed declaration to your term papers:
“I hereby declare that the paper presented is my own work and that I have not called upon the help of a third party. In addition, I affirm that neither I nor anybody else has submitted this paper or parts of it to obtain credits elsewhere before. I have clearly marked and acknowledged all quotations or references that have been taken from the works of others. All sources (including indirect citations) are marked and listed in the bibliography. The same applies to all charts, diagrams and illustrations as well as to all Internet resources. Moreover, I consent to my paper being electronically stored and sent anonymously in order to be checked for plagiarism. I am aware that the paper cannot be evaluated and may be graded 'fail' if the declaration is not made.”