Katharina Ludwig is an academic staff member in the project „Responsible News Recommender Systems“ (ReNewRS) supervised by Dr. Philipp Müller. Additionally, she is working in the project “Open and hidden racism in the political and mediated public” together with Prof. Dr. Wessler, Dr. Müller, Dr. Chan, Dr. Ecker as well as Michael Imre and Marius Sältzer
Previously she graduated at the University of Mannheim with a bachelor’s and master's degree in media and communication studies with the elective subject international relations. During that time she was working as a student assistant for two years at the chair of Prof. Dr. Wessler. Her Master Thesis was honored by the Stiftung Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft.
Her research interests concern the perception, usage and effects of political communication in news media and social networks, especially with emphasis on
1. Polarization, fragmentation and extremism
2. Migration, flight and racism/
3. Quantification and effects of (self-transcendent) emotions.
Methodologically she focuses on standardized and automated content analysis and quantitative experiments.