Dr. Rainer Freudenthaler

Dr. Rainer Freudenthaler

Academic Staff
University of Mannheim
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
B 6, 30–32 – Room 452
68159 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
By appointment via E-Mail

Dr. Rainer Freudenthaleris an academic staff member at the MZES. After studying Media Economics at the Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart and getting his master’s degree in Media and Communication Studies at the University of Mannheim he finished his dissertation on the public debate concerning Germany’s refugee policy within online media in 2021.

His research focusses on the pre-conditions of democratic public spheres, with a special focus on online publics, as well es the contributions of established and alternative media outlets. In the project “Implicit and Explicit Racism in News and Social Media” he joins Prof. Wessler, Dr. Müller, Dr. Chan and Katharina Ludwig to assess group-related bias in the news concerning ethnic, cultural and religious minority groups. His methodological research focus is on methods for automated content analysis.


  • Ludwig, K., Chan, C.-., Freudenthaler, R., Müller, P. & Wessler, H. (2024). Differenzieller Rassismus in den Nachrichten: Implizite und explizite Stigmatisierungen. In C. Nürnbergk, N. F. Schumacher, J. Haßler & J. Schützeneder (eds.), Politischer Journalismus: Konstellationen, Muster, Dynamiken (S. 113–130). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Wessler, H., Freudenthaler, R., Haffner, P. & Jakob, J. (2020). Öffentlichkeitstheorien. In I. Borucki (eds.), Handbuch Politische Kommunikation (S. 1–16). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.–1
  • Wessler, H. & Freudenthaler, R. (2018). Public sphere. In , (S. 1). Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.