Zur Person
Oliver Bange lives with his family in the renaissance city of Neuburg on the Danube in Southern Germany. He studied political science, economic, medieval and contemporary history both at Aachen and at the London School of Economics. As a journalist he worked for various papers and political institutions, helped to devise the method of qualitative media contents analysis and developed for a number of years the media strategies of some major international players. He returned to the LSE to obtain a PhD in international history and has published extensively on the history of European integration, the Cold War, country images and Brandt’s Ostpolitik. He held scholarships of the German Historical Institute in London, the European University Institute and the University of London. His book on the 1963 crisis in European and Atlantic relations was published in 2000 by Macmillan both in New York and London. He is currently working on a major work on „Ostpolitik and Détente in Europe, 1966-1975“. He speaks fluent English and some French (apart from reading various other languages).