
8 Tips for a Successful Start of Your Program

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Visit the orientation week

At the beginning of your studies, several orientation events will take place where you receive information about the structure and course of your program of study. To find out when the respective events take place please refer to the information on your degree program provided below.

Read the Information guides for first-year students

The first-year guides contain information about the orientation week, your timetable and important contact persons in your degree program. You can find your first-year guides on the Portal2 homepage or via information about your degree program (see below).

Explore the campus of the Schloss

Everything is new, the Schloss complex is huge, and you can easily get lost between the east wing and the west wing. Therefore, take part in the campus tour organized by the departmental student representatives and have a look at our Campus Map.

Familiarize yourself with our information and service centers

The University of Mannheim provides numerous contact points and services that make student life easier for you, e.g. the Studierendenwerk, the Express Service , and the Student Services.

Use the student portal, the e-learning platform, and your university e-mail address

Get familiar with the student portal, the e-learning platform ILIAS, and the mail system Outlook, as you will need to use them throughout your studies.

Network and socialize

The departmental student reprasentatives and student organizations provide great opportunities to meet new people. And our program ambassadors will be happy to assist you during the first weeks at university.  

Seek support

There is a suitable contact person for each of your questions – our special navigation tool, the Advice Services Directory, will help you find the right person.

My program of study