Getting Started

If you are planning to study at the School of Humanities for one or two semesters, you should find out in due time what you need to know about living and studying in Mannheim. We are happy to assist you in preparing your stay at our School. You can contact us anytime with study-related questions about our range of courses, types of examinations, ECTS credits or grades. For questions about finding accommodation, health insurance, residence permits or visa, please refer to the International Office.

You can find further information and answers on frequently asked questions on the university's measures to fight the spread of the coronavirus on the information website of the University of Mannheim.

Orientation events during the Welcome Week

The week before lectures start is the Welcome Week. During this week, you can attend our orientation events for international students or be taken on guided campus tours organized by the departmental student committees. In addition, the International Office offers many events that will give you ideas on what to do during your time in Mannheim. Participation in the Welcome Week is obligatory as it will help you organize your stay abroad.

Orientation event at the School of Humanities

We invite you to attend our orientation event in order to find out more about living and studying in Germany. You will receive information on the School’s different departments, what types of examinations to expect, how the grading system works, as well as an introduction to academic conduct at the University of Mannheim. We are looking forward to getting to know you at our orientation event!

Where?on Campus (room EO 145) and via Zoom
When?Thursday, August 29th 2024, 11 a.m – 1 p.m

Campus tours

Every semester, the School of Humanities takes new students on guided tours around the campus to give you a chance to find your way around and get to know the Schloss. These tours provide the perfect opportunity to get to know your fellow international and German students.

Learning Agreement

Learning Agreement

International students from European partner universities who come to Mannheim as part of the European ERASMUS program have a Learning Agreement. You can obtain the relevant forms from your home university. Please contact the competent contact persons at your home university to find out exactly when your home university needs these forms.

We will sign the following documents that are part of your Learning Agreement: Before the mobility and Exceptional changes during the mobility. Please send us your Learning Agreement by e-mail during the first month following your arrival in Mannheim to have your Learning Agreement signed. Please note that we are not authorized to sign the following documents: Certificate of Arrival and Certificate of Departure. To have these documents signed, please contact the International Office of the University of Mannheim in person. Each form must be signed by the contact person of your home university.

Advising and contact

Andrea Lutterbach

Andrea Lutterbach

Incoming Exchange Coordinator
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Room EO 291
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Please email me to make an appointment.