
At the School of Humanities of the University of Mannheim, you can obtain the degree of a Doktor der Philosophie (Dr. phil.). In addition to individual doctoral studies, there are also structured doctoral programs, which are offered by the Research and Study Centre (RSC) of the School of Humanities. In addition, some subjects allow for an article-based dissertation. The council of doctoral students is the representative body of the doctoral students at the School of Humanities.

You are interested in a doctorate at the School of Humanities? Here, you will find information on the application deadlines, examination dates, the doctoral process and the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation.


Admission to the list of doctoral students of the School of Humanities is only possible by a corresponding decision of the doctoral committee. The doctoral committee meets every semester at three dates during the lecture period. Please refer to the table below to see by when you must have submitted your complete documents for admission to the School’s list of doctoral students in order to be considered for the respective date. 

Proof of admission to the list of doctoral students for applications for a scholarship or funding program can only be issued provided that the doctoral committee has agreed to your admission. Please plan sufficiently in advance.

  First meeting in the fall semester Second meeting in the fall semester Third meeting: 22 May 2019
Applicants with a German degree 2 weeks in advance 2 weeks in advance 2 weeks in advance
Applicants a foreign degree 4 weeks in advance 4 weeks in advance 4 weeks in advance

All relevant information

  • Maximum duration of the doctorate

    The maximum duration of your doctorate is six years.

  • Mandatory enrollment

    Pursuant to section 38 subsection 5 Act on Higher Education of the Land of Baden-Württemberg (LHG), all doctoral students are obliged to enroll at the University of Mannheim immediately after having been admitted to the School’s list of doctoral students. For more information on how to proceed, which documents are required, possible exceptions and your competent contact persons, please see the pages of Division I.


  • Application for being admitted to the list of doctoral students

    Please submit the following documents:

    • an informal application to the dean,
    • the prospective topic of your doctoral dissertation,
    • an informal declaration if you intend to write an article-based dissertation,
    • the advising agreement (only available in German), completed and signed,
    • a notarized copy of your university entrance qualification (Abitur diploma),
    • notarized copies of the proofs confirming that you meet the admission requirements specified in section 5 of the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation (master's or magister's degree, Diplom or state examination certificate),
    • a curriculum vitae (CV) and a description of the program of study that you have completed, including detailed information about passed and failed academic and state examinations; you must also state any unsuccessful attempts to obtain a doctoral degree; please note that your CV must include your home telephone number and your e-mail address;
    • a statement ensuring that you have not employed and will not employ any agency or advisory services in return for payment.
  • Submission of the doctoral dissertation and oral defense

    • You must submit three copies of your doctoral dissertation to the dean's office.
    • Pursuant to the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation dating from 2016, you must also submit an electronic version of your doctoral dissertation alongside with a written statement confirming that the electronic and the written versions of your dissertation are identical.
    • The cover page of your dissertation shall read: „Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Philosophie der Universität Mannheim“.
    • On the back of the title page, please indicate the names of the dean and the two evaluators.
    • Please do not forget to include a signed declaration of authorship confirming that you agree to your thesis being checked for plagiarism as the last page in all three copies. For the exact wording please see section 8 subsection 2 lit. c) of the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation.
    • The maximum evaluation period is three months.
    • The oral defense may take place six weeks after receipt of the evaluations.
    • The examination committee is composed of the following members: the chairperson, two evaluators, two members and one deputy member.
    • The Thesenpapiere (detailed handouts providing the main scientific theses) must be submitted to the dean's office at least two weeks prior to the oral defense.
  • Regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation

    Currently there are no files available.

  • Article-based dissertation

    At the School of Humanities of the University of Mannheim, earning a doctoral degree by way of an article-based dissertation is only possible in accordance with the provisions of the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation dating from 2016 and only in those subjects that have stipulated subject-specific provisions allowing for an article-based dissertation. The requirements for these subjects can be found in the annex to the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation dating from 2016. The English version of the regulations and procedures governing the doctoral dissertation dating from 2016 may be not as up-to-date as the German version – in case of doubt, please consult the German version.

  • Cotutelle de thèse

    At the School of Humanities, binational doctorates by way of the cotutelle-de-thèse procedure are only permitted within the context of existing framework agreements with our partner universities. At present, the School of Humanities does not conclude individual contracts for cotutelle procedures.

Advising and contact

Nathalie Mäusezahl

Nathalie Mäusezahl

Secretary's Office, Appointment Procedure, and Doctoral Candidates
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Room EO 283
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Tuesday and Wednesday between 10 an 12 o'clock and
after making an appointment
Mariateresa Cecalupo

Mariateresa Cecalupo

Secretary's Office, Appointment Procedure, and Doctoral Candidates
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Room EO 283
Consultation hour(s):
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, between 10 and 12 o'clock and
after making an appointment