
Information Events

We do not only offer virtual consultation hours, but also organize several information events at regular intervals:

Information session on studying abroad
If you are interested in spending a period of study abroad at one of our partner universities but have not yet made any definite plans, this information night is perfect for you. By attending the event, you will learn all there is to know about your options and important next steps.

The next information session on studying abroad will take place in spring 2021.

Information night on the recognition of courses
This evening is dedicated entirely to the recognition of credits obtained abroad. Join us if you have already been awarded a place at one of our partner universities or if you are a free mover who is currently looking at how the recognition of courses works to have many of your questions answered on the spot.

The next information session on the recognition of courses will take place in spring 2021.

More events

Information event for students of the bachelor’s program in Romance Languages, Literatures and Media 

A separate information event specifically for students of the bachelor’s program in Romance Languages, Literatures and Media is held prior to the program-specific application deadline. It provides detailed information on the mandatory year abroad and the recognition process. The dates will be announced well in advance by the academic advising team.

Information events by the International Office

The International Office team regularly holds the Introductory Study Abroad Meetings which are designed to clarify all administrative questions on your application and to discuss the different steps to be taken when studying abroad. They take place multiple times per semester.

Please check the International Office’s website for current events. 

Advising and contact

Aline Schmidt

Aline Schmidt (she/her)

International Affairs Manager
Course recognition requests:
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities – Dean's Office
Schloss – Room EO 291
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
No office hours on July 23 and 30.

Wed 10am–noon
Online consultation hours – please make an appointment via

Additional offer during the lecture period:
Tue 10am–noon – Drop-in office hours in EO 291
Lea Bastian

Lea Bastian (she/her)

International Affairs Manager
on parental leave
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Room EO 291
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Consultation takes place in Aline Schmidt's office.