Students looking at a computer desktop in a library.

Research and Study Centre

The Research and Study Centre (RSC) is the organizational center for interdisciplinary research and teaching at the School of Humanities. The RSC provides the School’s researchers with the opportunity to develop joint ideas and projects and to receive support in their implementation. Individual projects are run as Research Labs at the RSC. The Graduate School provides doctoral students of the School of Humanities with additional support for their doctoral studies, opportunities for exchange with other doctoral students and a program for the acquisition of additional qualifications. The Julius-Mammelsdorf-Institut für Praktische Kulturarbeit (JMI) is a center pooling the School’s collaborations with external research institutions in the field of Third Mission activities.

Institutions of the Research and Study Centre

Graduate School

You can find more information about the graduate school and the current course program here.


Learn more about the activities and projects of the Julius-Mammelsdorf-Institut (JMI) and the School’s collaborations with external research institutions.