This page provides information on the following bachelor’s programs:
Current English Linguistics and Literary Studies (CELLS) ♦ German Studies: Language, Literature, Media ♦ History ♦ Media and Communication Studies♦ Romance Languages, Literatures and Media
Each year, the departmental student committees organize a wide range of social events for first-year students. For the exact dates please refer to the websites or Facebook pages of the respective student representative body:
Orientation week of the departmental student committee | Linguistics and Literary Studies
Orientation week of the departmental student committee | History
Orientation events of the departmental student committee | Media and Communication Studies
Important documents for the start of your program
Information guides for first-year students
Program handbooks
Degree plans for the minor
- Degree plan Media and Communication Studies (for students starting in the fall semester 2021) ( PDF , 149 KB )
- Degree plan Philosophy (for students starting in the fall semester 2019) ( PDF , 136 KB )
- Degree plan English and American Studies (for students starting in the fall semester 2019) ( PDF , 151 KB )
- Degree plan German Studies (for students starting in the fall semester 2019) ( PDF , 130 KB )
- Degree plan History (for students starting in the fall semester 2019) ( PDF , 235 KB )
- Degree plan KUR (for students starting in the fall semester 2019) ( PDF , 164 KB )
- Degree plan Romance Studies: French (for students starting in the fall semester 2019) ( PDF , 167 KB )
- Degree plan Romance Studies: Italian (for students starting in the fall semester 2019) ( PDF , 179 KB )
Presentations of the orientation events for first-year students in the bachelor’s programs
Examination regulations
The examination regulations for your degree program are available on the Student Services' website.
Information on my program of study
Comprehensive information on the bachelor’s programs
Course registration
Please register for courses in Portal2 prior to the beginning of the lecture period.