Advice and Assistance Before, During and After Your Stay Abroad

At the University of Mannheim you will always find the right contact person for any of your questions concerning your stay abroad! If you are still not sure which university to apply for, the International Affairs Team of the School of Humanities will be happy to help you select a suitable partner university. If you are already one or two steps ahead, we are the place to go for all questions about your selection of courses, the recognition process, Learning Agreements and any general academic issues. Just send us an email, drop in during open office hours or book a virtual appointment with us.

During the lecture period: Tue (drop-in) and Wed (virtual) 10 a.m. – noon
During the semester break: Tue (virtual) 10 a.m. – noon

Other important contacts

Advising and contact

Lea Bastian

Lea Bastian (she/her)

International Affairs Manager
Course selection abroad:
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Room EO 291
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Wed 10–noon – Book your virtual appointment here:

During the semester additional drop-in option:
Tue 10–noon, room EO291
Nico Stab

Nico Stab (er/ihm)

Project Coordinator for digital teaching and lecture development (VL ICS) as part of InnoMA, coordination of outgoing students
University of Mannheim
School of Humanities
Schloss – Raum EO 291
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
After consultation per e-mail