International Teacher Education

Studying abroad always helps you grow personally and professionally. And there is no better place to learn a foreign language than the country where the language is spoken. Don’t miss this great opportunity! We are happy to help you in planning your stay abroad.

Information Event

Our next infosession will take place on 12 of March at 13:45 in EO145 and online. 

For preliminary information, please review the slides from our previous session (in German):

Im Vordergrund ist Frau Bilgili in einem Talar zu sehen. Sie wirft ihren Absolventenhut in die Luft. Im Hintergrund ist die Universität zu sehen.

I had the opportunity to spend two semesters at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville (UTK), where I worked as a Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA) in addition to my Master of Education in German Studies. This experience was enriching for me on several levels and contributed enormously to my personal and academic development. On the one hand, you are completely on your own when teaching and therefore become independent and sovereign in a very short time. On the other hand, it also helps you learn to stand confidently in front of a class. I would recommend the stay for prospective teachers before the school internship semester (SPS), as you can have your GTA work at the UTK in Germany credited and thus have your SPS shortened from 12 weeks to 4 weeks. This teaching experience gives you a direct comparison between university teaching and everyday school life at a German Gymnasium, which not only adds to the development of your teacher personality from a different cultural perspective, but also offers you an alternative way of teaching that you would not have experienced to this extent in Germany. All in all, I had an unforgettable time in Knoxville, which I always look back on fondly!

Lale Bilgili, student of the M.Ed. in teachers education English and German, University of Tennessee (Knoxville, USA) / Credit: Lale Bilgili