PD Dr. Dieter Thoma

PD Dr. Dieter Thoma
Senior Researcher and Lecturer with Tenure
University of Mannheim
Anglistik I
Schloss – Room EW 293
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Tue 2–3 p.m. Please send an email for individual appointments.

  • Research

    Dieter Thoma is Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the Chair of Psycholinguistics and Head of the Department of English. In his research, he is interested in language acquisition and (bilingual) language processing. He has been studying how (second) language processing interacts with cognitive, emotional and social processes in decision making and consumer behavior. He uses different experimental methods including reaction-time tasks, eye tracking and pupillometry as well as large-scale survey studies.

  • Biographic Information

    Dieter Thoma received his PhD in psycholinguistics in 2009 from the University of Mannheim and studied for his Diploma/M.Sc. in Business Education at the Universities of Mannheim and Swansea (UK). He is co-founder and scientific director of the Mannheim Center for Empirical Multilingualism Research (MAZEM gGmbH). Since 2010 he has also been a Visiting Professor teaching at the Summer University of Aarhus University (Denmark).

  • Teaching

    Dieter Thoma teaches courses such as the Introduction to Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Language and Marketing at undergraduate and graduate level. He supervises many thesis projects based on experimental studies.


  • Tracy, R., Thoma, D., Michel, M. & Ofner, D. (2014). SprachKoPF: Sprachliche Kompetenzen pädagogischer Fachkräfte. In Bildungsforschung 2020 – Herausforderungen und Perspektiven : Dokumentation der Tagung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung vom 29.–30. März 2012 (S. 285–287). Bildungsforschung, BMBF: Berlin ; Bonn.

Reviewer Activities

  • Annals of Tourism Research
  • Bilingualism, Language and Cognition
  • Brain Sciences
  • Cognitive Science
  • Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics
  • Empirische Pädagogik
  • EuroSLA – European Second Language Association
  • Frontiers in Education
  • Frühe Bildung
  • International Journal of Multilingualism
  • Journal of Cognition
  • Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
  • Language Learning
  • Modern Language Journal
  • Sage Open
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
  • Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung