The Chair of Anglistik IV focusses on the following topics:
1. Historical language contact
2. Language change
3. Morphology and syntax
Methodologically, we work with linguistically annotated corpora and lexical resources.
We follow an research-oriented teaching approach. Thus, our students are guided to work with corpora so that they can conduct their own studies with historical and authentic, contemporary data. For this purpose, we have developed the Toolbox Anglistik IV(Toolbox Anglistik IV). Outstanding student theses are published in the Student Edition of the journal Mannheim Papers in Multilingualism, Acquisition, and Change (MAPMAC). Promising students with a strong interest in linguistics are involved in research at an early stage through student jobs at the department.
Currently we work on the following projects:
The DFG research group “Structuring the input in language processing, acquisition, and change” (SILPAC, FOR 5157, Gepris 437487447), 1st phase from (2022–2025), investigates language change in a new, multidisciplinary approach in which historical linguists and psycholinguists work together both methodologically and theoretically.
The research project Borrowing Argument Structure in Contact Situation (BASICS, Gepris 265711632) (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Achim Stein, University of Stuttgart), funded by the DFG from 2015–2021, investigates contact-induced grammatical change in language contact between English and French after 1066. Assuming that the massive borrowing of verbs from French triggered change in the argument structure of English, we investigate semantic verb classes and syntactic constructions for French influence. In order to investigate this, we have developed a set of tools (BASICS Toolkit).
The project Phrasal compoundsfrom a typological and theoretical perspective deals with the cross-linguistic description of phrasal compounds and with their theoretical modelling. Results from workshops were published in a special issue of STUF in 2013 and by Language Science Press (with Jaklin Kornfilt) in 2015.