Research topics
We consider literature as an art form and an important medium for cultural self-reflection. While literature delineates anthropological constants, it also reveals time- and culture-specific world knowledge, prevailing systems of value as well as predominant images of self and other. We are therefore especially committed to exploring the various interactions between literature, culture and society, which we examine from historical, literary historical and sometimes comparative points of view.
Anglistik II
- Schuhmaier, S. (2024). National identity, race, and grime: Rethinking the margins of englishness. Journal for the Study of British Cultures : JSBC, 31, 77–93.
- Schuhmaier, S. (2023). Class and the middle-class novel: Jonathan Coe's Trotter-Trilogy. Anglistik, 34, 113–123.
- Gonnermann, A. (2019). The concept of post-pessimism in 21st Century dystopian fiction. The Comparatist, 43, 26–40.
- Lusin, C. (2018). A one way ticket to Paradise? Adapting the Bible in Venedikt Erofeev’s Moskva Petushki (1973), Stephen Mulrine’s Moscow Stations (1993), and A.L. Kennedy’s Paradise (2004). Komparatistik online, 2018, 8–25.
- Brüske, A. and Lusin, C. (2016). “One continent/
To Another” : cultural flows and poetic form in the South Asian and Caribbean diasporas – and beyond. Atlantic Studies, 13, 433–444. - Lusin, C. (2013). 'We live again anew' : loss, introspection and redemptive meta-narratives in British and Irish fiction since 2000. Critical Engagements, 6, 9–26.
- Lusin, C. (2013). Curry, tins and grotesque bodies : food, cultural boundaries and identity in Anglo-Indian life-writing. English Studies : A Journal of English Language and Literature, 94, 468–488.
- Lusin, C. (2008). Metamorphosen des Selbst : Ian McEwan's Saturday (2005) und die Poetik des Traumspiels. Sprachkunst, 39, 77–96.
- Lusin, C. (2008). Red flowers and a shabby coat : Russian literature and the depiction of madness in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. Comparative critical studies, 5, 289–300.
- Gonnermann, A., Schuhmaier, S. and Schwander, L. (eds.) (2021). Literarische Perspektiven auf den Kapitalismus : Fallbeispiele aus dem 21. Jahrhundert. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. and Haekel, R. (eds.) (2019). Community, seriality and the State of the Nation : British and Irish television series in the 21st century. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. (2018). Imperial selves : negotiating collectivity in Anglo-Indian life-writing. Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
- Frank, K. and Lusin, C. (eds.) (2017). Finance, terror, and science on stage : current public concerns in 21st-century British drama. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. (eds.) (2014). Empathie, Sympathie und Narration : Strategien der Rezeptionslenkung in Prosa, Drama und Film. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
- Lusin, C. (2007). Virginia Woolf und Anton P. Čechov : die Semantisierung von Raum und Zeit. Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
- Gonnermann, A. (2021). „Have there been unexplained deaths?”: Kapitalismus, Beschleunigung und die Rolle des Theaters in Alan Bennetts Allelujah! (2018). In Literarische Perspektiven auf den Kapitalismus : Fallbeispiele aus dem 21. Jahrhundert (S. 45–66). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Gonnermann, A., Schuhmaier, S. and Schwander, L. (2021). Zur Thematik und Aktualität dieses Bandes. In Literarische Perspektiven auf den Kapitalismus : Fallbeispiele aus dem 21. Jahrhundert (S. 9–20). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. (2021). Der 'Pate' ist tot: Macht, Markt und Moral in der BBC-Serie McMafia (2018). In Literarische Perspektiven auf den Kapitalismus : Fallbeispiele aus dem 21. Jahrhundert (S. 89–112). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. (2021). Der lange Schatten des Kolonialismus: Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness. Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektive. In Krise(n) der Moderne : über Literatur und Zeitdiagnostik (S. 137–148). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
- Schuhmaier, S. (2021). Singing the nation: The condition of Englishness in the lyrics of PJ Harvey and Kate Tempest. In Nationalism and the postcolonial (S. 92–108). Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
- Schuhmaier, S. (2021). Wert und Werte im Kapitalismus: Die Songtexte Kae Tempests und Kanos. In Literarische Perspektiven auf den Kapitalismus : Fallbeispiele aus dem 21. Jahrhundert (S. 139–164). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Schwander, L. (2021). „Another world is possible“: Arundhati Roys anti-kaptialistische Vision in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017). In Literarische Perspektiven auf den Kapitalismus : Fallbeispiele aus dem 21. Jahrhundert (S. 211–230). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Gonnermann, A. (2020). “We are the spark that will light the fire”: Hope, the cyclical pattern of resistance, and concrete dystopia in Disney’s The Last Jedi. In Resist and persist : essays on social revolution in 21st century narratives (S. 186–196). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co.
- Gonnermann, A. (2020). “You don’t have to be a monster. You have a choice”: Supernatural, free will and the deterministic concept of monstrosity. In Supernatural out of the box : essays on the metatextuality of the series (S. 90–103). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co.
- Glomb, S. (2019). 'You wonderful priest': Community as the essence of Christianity in Broken (2017). In Community, seriality and the State of the Nation : British and Irish television series in the 21st century (S. 239–260). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Gonnermann, A. (2019). 'With great power comes'... nothing: Superheroes, teenage delinquents, and dysfunctional community structures in Misfits (2009–2013). In Community, seriality and the State of the Nation : British and Irish television series in the 21st century (S. 213–238). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. (2019). Drugs, sheep, and broken lives: Dysfunctional families, violence, and the subversion of nostalgia in Happy Valley (2014-). In Community, seriality and the State of the Nation : British and Irish television series in the 21st century (S. 167–191). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. and Haekel, R. (2019). 'This is England' : Community, the State of the Nation, and seriality in contemporary British and Irish television series. In Community, seriality and the State of the Nation : British and Irish television series in the 21st century (S. 9–23). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Schuhmaier, S. (2019). Tommy Shelby's modern family business: The ethics of community in Peaky Blinders (2013-). In Community, seriality and the State of the Nation : British and Irish television series in the 21st century (S. 27–50). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Schwander, L. (2019). 'He's one of us': Community, imperialism, and the narrative of progress in Indian Summers (2015–2016). In Community, seriality and the State of the Nation : British and Irish television series in the 21st century (S. 119–142). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Frank, K. and Lusin, C. (2017). Introduction : Current debates and British drama since 2000. In Finance, terror, and science on stage : current public concerns in 21st-century British drama (S. 9–15). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Glomb, S. (2017). “No view from Nnowhere”: Science, freedom, and determinism in Nick Payne's Incognito (2014). In Finance, terror, and science on stage (S. 185–210). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Gonnermann, A. (2017). Homo Homini Rhino Est : April De Angelis’ Wild East (2005) and the Deconstruction of Responsibility in Corporate Culture. In Finance, terror, and science on stage : current public concerns in 21st-century British drama (S. 101–123). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. (2017). Canon and carnival : challenging hierarchies in Zadie Smith's NW. In Reading the canon : literary history in the 21st century (S. 247–267). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
- Lusin, C. (2017). Surviving boom and bust : finance, responsibility, and the state of the world in Nicholas Pierpan's You can still make a killing (2012). In Finance, terror, and science on stage : current public concerns in 21st-century British drama (S. 79–100). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Schwander, L. (2017). Re-visiting the British Empire: Neo-Victorian perspectives on multicultural Britain in Tanika Gupta's The Empress (2013). In Finance, terror, and science on stage : current public concerns in 21st-century British drama (S. 211–232). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
- Lusin, C. (2014). 'Darling Nell' : zur Funktion epischer Kommunikationsstrukturen in Tom Stoppards Indian Ink (1995). In Empathie, Sympathie und Narration : Strategien der Rezeptionslenkung in Prosa, Drama und Film (S. 121–136). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
- Lusin, C. (2014). Empathie, Sympathie und Narration : zur Einführung. In Empathie, Sympathie und Narration : Strategien der Rezeptionslenkung in Prosa, Drama und Film (S. 11–22). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
- Lusin, C. (2010). Writing lives and 'worlds' : English biographical fiction and the turn of the 21st century. In Cultural ways of worldmaking : media and narratives (S. 265–286). Berlin [u.a.]: de Gruyter.
- Lusin, C. (2009). 'We daydream helplessly' : the poetics of (day)dreams in Ian McEwan's novels. In Ian McEwan: art and politics (S. 140–158). Heidelberg: Winter.
- Lusin, C. (2009). Encountering darkness : intertextuality and polyphony in J. M. Coetzee's Dusklands (1974) and Matthew Kneale's English passengers (2000). In Semiotic encounters : text, image and trans-nation (S. 69–85). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Lusin, C. (2008). Nachwort. In Kindheit und Jugend (S. 491–518). Düsseldorf: Artemis & Winkler.
- Lusin, C. (2008). Projektmanagement. In Schlüsselkompetenzen: Qualifikationen für Studium und Beruf (S. 33–48). Stuttgart ; Weimar: Metzler.
- Lusin, C. (2008). Stimmen aus dem “Kellerloch” : Ljudmila Petruevskajas “Svoj krug” und Jurij Mamleevs “Tetrad individualista” : zwei Spielarten des Bösen in der zeitgenössischen russischen Prosa. In Das Böse in der russischen Kultur (S. 317–335). Köln ; Weimar: Böhlau.
- Lusin, C. (2008). Zwischen T. S. Eliot und Albert Camus : absurde Stadterfahrung in Miroslav Krležas Roman Povratak Filipa Latinovicza. In Metropole – Provinz : Urbanität und Ruralität in den slawischen Sprachen, Literaturen und Kulturen (S. 79–92). Frankfurt am Main ; Berlin [u.a.]: Lang.
- Leitner, F. (2024). Houses with histories: Ruins as Lieux d'oubli in Tana French's The Likeness (2008), Dervla McTiernan's The Ruin (2018), and Stuart Neville's The House of Ashes (2021). In , History in stories : the Irish past and the challenges of the present (S. 159–170). Anglo-amerikanische Studien = Anglo-American studies, Peter Lang: Berlin.
- Lusin, C. and Schwanecke, C. (2018). Women in men's shoes : 'sheroes' in literatures and cultures of the British Isles, the Commonwealth and beyond. In , Anglistentag 2017 Regensburg : proceedings (S. 183–187). Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier: Trier.
- Lusin, C. (2016). 'Home Matters' : home, family and community in the contemporary Anglo-Jewish novel. In , Anglistentag 2015 Paderborn : proceedings (S. 47–58). Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier: Trier.