Module Catalogs

There is a separate module catalog for each of our degree programs. For each module and each type of course, these catalogs contain information on the content, the required coursework and examinations, the workload you have to expect, the number of ECTS credits you will receive and the competencies you should have acquired at the and of the semester, i.e. what you should have learned in terms of content and methodology. These competencies play an important role for the recognition of coursework and examinations, for example, if you have spent a semester abroad.

Please note that some modules or courses that you take in the electives, minors, and/or combination majors offered by other schools may be described in the module catalogs of the respective school. If there are several module catalogs available for your degree program, the module catalog according to the version of the examination regulations applying to you will be the right one.

Module catalogs by program

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