Before you leave Germany, please record, which courses you intend to take abroad and whether these can be recognized after your return to Mannheim. In order to do this, fill out the table of the recognition form to be found on the Central Examination Committee. If needed, you may use several forms to list all your courses. The decision whether a course can be recognized or not is made by the competent contact person and depends on the contents of the course. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you have as much information about your preferred courses as possible at the ready when discussing their potential recognition (e.g. course titles, types of examinations, course descriptions). Please reach out via e-mail or make use of virtual or drop-in office hours to discuss your courses.
Erasmus Learning Agreement
In order to receive Erasmus funding, you are required to document your course choices via the Mobility-Online platform and collect approval by the departmental exchange coordinators at the School of Humanities (sending institution) and the partner university (receiving institution). Please find details on this process in the guidelines available on Mobility Online.
Important: The Erasmus forms serve to document your course choices, not the planned recognition in Mannheim. Therefore, the Erasmus Learning Agreement might differ from the internal document (see above) if, for example, you chose a course which will not be recognized in Mannheim. Table B links the Erasmus document to the internal document.
Of course, a lot can change after your arrival at the host institution. Some courses may take place in parallel or you may not be able to attend a course due to capacity reasons. In such cases, please contact us or your subject advisors by e-mail and have the new choice of your courses confirmed. You can simply add new courses to your internal agreement. Additionally, please make sure to document your course changes via the Changes Agreement on Mobility Online.
Before you leave Germany, please record, which courses you intend to take abroad and whether these can be recognized after your return to Mannheim. In order to do this, fill out the table of the recognition form to be found on the Central Examination Committee. If needed, you may use several forms to list all your courses. The decision whether a course can be recognized or not is made by the competent contact person and depends on the contents of the course. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you have as much information about your preferred courses as possible at the ready when discussing their potential recognition (e.g. course titles, types of examinations, course descriptions). Please reach out via e-mail or make use of virtual or drop-in office hours to discuss your courses.
In some cases, you may not be able to select your courses before your period of study abroad begins because, for example, the course catalog is not yet available. And of course, some changes may still be made even after your arrival at the host institution, for instance due to overlapping courses. In such cases, please contact us by e-mail and have your choice of courses confirmed. Please document your course choices in the internal agreement document.
As soon as you have successfully completed your stay abroad and returned to Germany and the University of Mannheim, you must take the following steps to have your credits obtained abroad recognized:
In der Regel füllen Sie vor Beginn des Semesters in Absprache mit Ihren Ansprechpersonen den ersten Teil des Formulars zur Anrechnung von Auslandsleistungen aus (Tabelle zur Vorabsprache). Dort wird festgehalten, welche Kurse Sie im Rahmen der Online Exchange Initiative (OEI) belegen werden, und ob diese in Mannheim anerkannt werden können. Diese Vorabsprache ist formal nicht zwingend erforderlich, gibt Ihnen aber Sicherheit, dass die Kurse, für die Sie sich entscheiden, in Ihr Mannheimer Studium integriert werden können. Die Entscheidung, ob ein Kurs anerkannt werden kann, liegt in der Verantwortung der jeweils zuständigen Ansprechperson und hängt natürlich von den Spezifika des Kurses ab. Wichtig ist daher, dass Sie zur Besprechung der Anerkennungsmöglichkeiten möglichst viele Informationen zu Ihren Wunschkursen bereithalten (Kurstitel, Prüfungsleistungen, Kursbeschreibungen usw.). Beim Ausfüllen des Formulars kann Ihnen unser Merkblatt helfen.
Aufgrund der Aussetzung des Präsenzbetriebs und der persönlichen Sprechstunden können Sie Ihre Kursabsprachen aktuell per E-Mail treffen und sollten den entsprechenden E-Mail-Verkehr gut aufbewahren. Zusätzlich empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Tabelle zur Vorabsprache gründlich auszufüllen und im Zuge Ihrer E-Mail-Absprachen auch digitale Unterschriften einzuholen.
As soon as you have successfully completed your OEI coursework, please take the following steps to have your credits obtained recognized: