Students of the state examination program in Teacher Education study two subjects plus Teaching Methodology and Education Sciences. The placement semester allows them to gain valuable insight into work as a teacher. As part of the teacher education reform in Baden-Württemberg in 2015, the program was replaced by the bachelor’s and master’s programs in Teacher Education. Students can still take the state examination until fall 2021 (students studying the subjects Music or Fine Arts until fall 2022).
...on the framework of your program
Examination regulations
The examination regulations are the most important document regarding your program. They list your rights and obligations as a student and constitute the legal basis of your studies. Therefore, it is crucial that you have read them and refer to them in case of questions.
Examination regulationsIn addition, the regulations of the Ministry of Education on the first teacher education state examination (GymPO I) apply to the state examination program in Teacher Education.
Gymnasiallehrerprüfungsordnung I – GymPO IDegree plan
Module overview
Required languages
Research participation credit
By the end of the seventh semester, you need to earn research participation credit by taking part in ten hours of experiments. You will take part in studies and experiments conducted by the chairs for Education Sciences. For more information please refer to the website of the chair of Psychology of Education. There, you will also find information on how to find suitable studies and experiments.
Placement semester
As a rule, students pass the placement semester during their fifth semester (during the sevenths at the latest) at a secondary or a vocational school in Baden-Württemberg. The placement semester comprises 13 weeks of instruction and accompanying events at the Institute for Didactics and Teacher Training. The placement semester is offered for the fall semester only. Instead of the placement semester, you can also work as an assistant foreign language instructor (Fremdsprachenassistenz), for example via the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst, or do an internship at a German or European school abroad. For more information on the placement semester and the application process please refer to the website of Lehrer Online in Baden-Württemberg.
...on the subjects
- Module overview (all modules at a glance)
- Program handbook
- Degree plan without prep course
- Degree plan including a partial prep course
- Degree plan including prep course
- Regulations on the final examination
- Registration form for the final oral examination in Literary and Media Studies
- Registration form for the final oral examination in Linguistics and Media Studies
- Examination guide
- Department of Romance Languages
- Subject-specific academic advice at the Department of Romance Languages
- Module overview (all modules at a glance)
- Program handbook
- Degree plan without prep course
- Degree plan including a partial prep course
- Degree plan including prep course
- Regulations on the final examination
- Registration form for the final oral examination in Literary and Media Studies
- Registration form for the final oral examination in Linguistics and Media Studies
- Department of Romance Languages
- Subject-specific academic advice at the Department of Romance Languages
Ethics Political Science/
Economics and Business Administration Spanish
- Module overview (all modules at a glance)
- Program handbook
- Degree plan without prep course
- Degree plan including a partial prep course
- Degree plan including prep course
- Regulations on the final examination
- Registration form for the final oral examination in Literary and Media Studies
- Registration form for the final oral examination in Linguistics and Media Studies
- Department of Romance Languages
- Subject-specific academic advice at the Department of Romance Languages
...on the final examination
General information
At the end of your program at the University of Mannheim, you will take the first teacher education state examination. The final examination comprises a thesis (20 ECTS credits) as well as a final oral examination in your two subjects respectively (10 ECTS credits each). The state examination is conducted by the state examination office in Karlsruhe.
Please note that the program will phase out in 2021 and that final examinations are only guaranteed until fall 2021.
Presentation of the information event on the state examination according to GymPO
Guidelines for the next steps following the state examination according to GymPO
Oral examinations
- Information sheet on final oral examinations
- Extra consultation hours at the Student Services (with Heidi Alscher-Binder and Corina Wolf) regarding registration for the fall 2019 examination: 9 April – 25, 2019, every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
- Registration form with checklist
- Declaration form stating already completed examinations for the programs in Teacher Education
Important links
Information sheets and forms on oral examinations (state examination office in Karlsruhe)
Online platform for the registration for final examinations
Regulations of the Ministry of Education on the first teacher education state examination (GymPO I)
Contact and advising
- State examination office in Karlsruhe Christine Engelhardt
- Student Services at the University of Mannheim: Heidi Alscher-Binder and Corina Wolf