Studies on Multilingualism in Language Education


Prof. Dr. Kristin Kersten

Anglistisches Seminar | Lehr­stuhl für Mehrsprach­igkeits­didaktik

Project Description

SMILE Project Series:
Project Papers, Reports, Instruments, and Materials



Final Report SMILE Project  (public part)

Internationales interdisziplinäres Symposium
External and Internal Variables Affecting (Language) Learning Processes, 17. Januar 2020

Science Slam an der Universität Hildesheim: 5. November 2019, 18:30 (Audimax)
Vortrag: „Wie lerne ich am besten eine Sprache?
" (youtube)

Über das Sprach­enlernen im Allgemeinen und die Vorteile von bilingualem Lernen in der Grundschule im Besonderen

ZDF live interview on second language acquisition in bilingual preschools

See also:
Certificate for Bilingual Teaching and Learning
Fach­tagung Bilinguales Lehren und Lernen: Vertiefende Perspektiven II (20. Juni 2015)

Project Goals

The interdisciplinary longitudinal SMILE project investigates the role of internal and external factors in the acquisition of a second language (L2) by young monolingual and multilingual learners in different primary school settings. A particular interest is on the linguistic input provided in the classrooms. The psycholinguistic focus of the study is combined with an applied focus, which aims at identifying successful educational practice for L2 acquisition in heterogeneous classrooms.

Primary school programs in the project include regular foreign language classes starting in first grade or third grade, and bilingual classrooms. The latter comprise non-intensive CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) programs with a small amount of bilingual units, as well as intensive immersion classroom, where 50%-75% of the curriculum are taught in the L2.

Variables the project focusses on include receptive lexical and grammatical L2 knowledge, individual cognitive skills such as working memory, phonological awareness and nonverbal intelligence, the learners' home language background, their socioeconomic background, the L2 contact duration and intensity of the L2 input, as well as the quality of the language input and the scaffolding techniques used by the L2 teachers (Couve et al. forthc., Kersten et al. 2010, Kersten 2014, Kersten & Rohde 2015, Maier et al. forthc., Rohde 2010, Steinlen et al. 2010, Weitz et al. 2010, Weitz 2015).

The data pool is collected in different L2 English school programs in Lower Saxony, Germany. Data elicitation is carried out at the end of the third and the fourth grade. Assessment instruments include standardised and non-standardised tests on receptive lexical and grammatical L1 and L2 knowledge and cognitive skills, parent questionnaires on the home and language background of the learners, an observation scheme for classroom L2 input as well as videography of classroom interaction. An additional case study will be carried out with two groups of learners with Turkish and Russian language background.

The project is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation's funding initiative Niedersächsisches Vorab, Lower Saxony, Germany.

Project Members

Head of Project

Prof. Dr. Kristin Kersten (English Department, Mannheim University)

Project Partners
Prof. Dr. Werner Greve (Psychology Department, Hildesheim University)
Christoph Schüle (Department of Applied Educational Science, Hildesheim University)

Project Coordination
Katharina Ponto (English Department, Hildesheim University)
Ann-Christin Bruhn (English Department, Mannheim University)

Former Project Coordination
Marie Adler (English Department, Hildesheim University)

Other Project Members
Cirsten Carlson (English Department, Hildesheim University)
Sebastian Hemme (English Department, Hildesheim University)
Joanna Hirst-Plein (English Department, Hildesheim University)
Martin Koch (Psychology Department, Hildesheim University)
Dr. Heike Mlakar (English Department, Hildesheim University)
Dr. Anna Trebits (English Department, Hildesheim University)

Former Project Members
Katharina Hagenfeld (English Department, Hildesheim University)

Dissertations and Post-doc Projects

Habilitations­projekte (Post-doc projects)

Mlakar, Heike (in prep.) Teaching reading and writing to young German EFL learners: A comparative study of synthetic phonics versus whole word instruction.

Trebits, Anna (in prep.) Environmental factors in cognitive and linguistic development: Socioeconomic status and bilingualism.

Dissertation projects

Adler, Marie (in Vorb.) Kognitive Variablen im frühen Fremdsprach­enerwerb.

Carlson, Cirsten (2019) Elementary School L2 English Teachers' Language Performance and Children's Second Language Acquisition.

Hemme, Sebastian (in Vorb.) Unter­suchung zur sprach­lichen Entwicklung der Zweit- und Tertiärsprache bei mehrsprach­igen Grundschulkinder.

Hirst-Plein, Joanna (in prep.) Cognitive Variables as a Predictor for L2 Phonological Recoding in Young Learners.

Mannion-Ghanbari, Alison (in. Vorb.) Faktoren interkultureller multilingualer Erziehung in bilingualen Kitas. (extern)

Ponto, Katharina (in Vorb.) Die Entwicklung des rezeptiven Wortschatzerwerbs im Kontext des Zweitsprach­erwerbs der Grundschule – eine testkritische Unter­suchung.

Related Publications

For more information, check out profiles at

Final report (public part, in German)

Work in progress:

Edited volume:
Kersten, K, Winsler, A. (eds.). Understanding variability in second language acquisition, bilingualism, and cognition – A Multi-Layered Perspective. London: Routledge.

Kersten, K. (forthc., 2021). „Proximity of Stimulation: Investigating the interplay of cognitive, linguistic and instructional factors in early language acquisition.“ In K. Kersten, A. Winsler (eds.), Understanding variability in second language acquisition, bilingualism, and cognition – A Multi-Layered Perspective. London: Routledge.

Bruhn, A.-C-, Miller, L., Ponto, K., Kersten, K., Mähler, C. (forthc., November 2021). „Can type of schooling compensate for low SES? Investigating effects of instruction and SES on cognitive skills.“ In K. Kersten, A. Winsler (eds.), Understanding variability in second language acquisition, bilingualism, and cognition – A Multi-Layered Perspective. London: Routledge.

Kersten, K., Schelletter, C., Bruhn, A.-C., Ponto, K. (under review). „Quality of L2 input and cognitive skills predict L2 grammar comprehension independently.“ Languages, 6.

Koch, M., Greve, W., Kersten, K. (under review.). „An emotional advantage of multilingualism for flexible emotion regulation.“ Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Trebits, A., Adler, M, Kersten, K., Ponto, K. (under review.). „Cognitive gains and socioeconomic status in early second language acquisition in immersion and EFL learning settings.“ InternationalJournal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

Kersten, K., Schüle, C., Steinlen, A.K.  (submitted). „The effect of internal and extern variables on early foreign language acquisition: Evidence from bilingual preschools.“

Kersten, K.,  Wegner, A., Conrad, N.A., Coors, H., Hampel, A., Möller, T. (submitted). „Implementing CLIL as an innovation in primary School: identifying influencing factors.“

Kersten, K. , Bruhn, A.-C., Schriek, J., Ponto, K., Böhnke, J., Greve, W. (in prep.) „Operationalizing foreign language teaching strategies in primary school classrooms.“

Lenzing, A., Kersten, K., Ponto, K., Wiegang, J. (forthc.). „Developmental stages in L2 grammatical comprehension: Investigating and extending a processing framework.“


Greve, W., Koch, M., Rasche, V., Kersten, K. (2021). „Extending the scope of the ‘cognitive advantage’ hypothesis: Multilingual individuals show higher flexibility of goal adjustment.“ Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.

Kersten, K. (accepted, November 2021). „L2 input and characteristics of instructional techniques in early foreign language classrooms – Underlying theory and pedagogical practice.“The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL.

Kersten, K., Greve, W. (accepted). „Investigating cognitive-linguistic development in SLA – theoretical and methodical challenges for empirical research.“ In K. Kersten, A. Winsler (eds.), Understanding variability in second language acquisition, bilingualism, and cognition – A Multi-Layered Perspective. London: Routledge. (peer reviewed)

Kersten, K. (2020). „Der Zusammenhang von kognitiven Fähigkeiten und Mehrsprach­igkeit im frühen L2-Erwerb: Individuelle und externe Variablen.“ In H. Böttger, J. Festman, T. Müller, T. (Hg.), Language Education and Acquisition Research: Focusing Early Language Learning. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt Verlag, 81–118.

Invited article:
Kersten K. (2019). „Einflussfaktoren im bilingualen Fremdsprach­enerwerb.“ In A. Rohde, A.K. Steinlen (eds.), Sprach­envielfalt als Ressource begreifen: Mehrsprach­igkeit in bilingualen Kindertagesstätten und Schulen (Band II). Berlin: dohrmannVerlag, 35–70.

Steinlen, A.K., Kersten, K., Piske, T. (2019). „Mehrsprach­ige Jungen als Problemfall in bilingualen Kitas? Zur Rolle von Geschlecht und sprach­lichem Hintergrund.“ In A. Rohde, A.K. Steinlen (eds.), Sprach­envielfalt als Methode begreifen: Mehrsprach­igkeit in bilingualen Kindertagesstätten und Schulen (Band II). Berlin: dohrmannVerlag, 71–88.

Invited Article:
Kersten, K. (2016). „Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies: Forschungs­ergebnisse des ELIAS-Projekts in bilingualen Kitas.“ In T. Piske, A.K. Steinlen (eds.), Bilinguale Programme in Kindertages­einrichtungen: Umsetzungs­beispiele und Forschungs­ergebnisse. Tübingen: Narr, 239–258. (peer reviewed)

Maier, E., Neubauer, L., Ponto, K., Couve de Murville, S., Kersten, K. (2016). „Assessing linguistic levels of L2 English in primary programs.“ In J.-U. Keßler, A. Lenzing, M. Liebner (eds.), Developing, Modelling and Assessing Second Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 163–192. (peer reviewed)

Couve de Murville, S., Kersten, K., Maier, E., Ponto, K., Weitz, M. (2016). „Rezeptiver L2 Wortschatz in der Grundschule.“ In A.K. Steinlen, T. Piske (eds.), Wortschatzlernen in bilingualen Schulen und Kindertagesstätten. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 85–121. (peer reviewed)

Invited article:
Kersten, K., Rohde, A. (2015). „Immersion teaching in English with young learners.“ In J. Bland (ed.), Teaching English Language to Young Learners:Critical Issues in Language Teaching with 3–12 Year Olds. London: Bloomsbury, 71–89. (peer reviewed)

Invited article:
Kersten, K. (2014). „Bilingual pre-primary schools: language acquisition, intercultural enco­unters and environmental learning.“ In S. Mourão, M. Lourenço (eds.), Early Years Second Language Education: International Perspectives on Theories and Practice.London: Routledge, 29–45. (peer reviewed)

Conference Papers

AILA (August, 2021, Groningen):

1. Panel (together with Julia Festman), Symposium 58:
How far are we in understanding the influential variables in the bilingual advantage debate?

2. Panel (together with Anja Steinlen), Symposium 189:
Variables affecting foreign language acquisition in bilingual programs

Trebits, Anna, Kersten, Kristin, Ponto, Katharina (forthc., 2021). Sources of individual differences in L2 development: The role of parenting style, home enrichment and L1 proficiency in young learners. AILA: University of Groningen.

Kersten, K. (forthc., 2021). The interplay of cognitive, social and instructional variables affecting foreign language acquisition in primary school: The Proximity Hypothesis. AILA: University of Groningen

Adler, M., Kersten, K. (fortc., 2021). Investigating the bidirectional relations­hip between L2 proficiency and cognition: Evidence from regular and bilingual primary schools. AILA: University of Groningen.

Rasche, V., Greve, W., Koch, M., Kersten, K. (forthc., 2021). Beyond language: The long-term benefits of multilingualism for self-regulation. AILA: University of Groningen.

Kersten (2021). 'Input Quality Observation Scheme' (IQOS) und 'Teacher Input Observation Scheme' (TIOS) – Herausforderungen und Chancen. Den sprach­lichen Input in Kindergarten und Grundschule bewerten: University of Bozen.

AAAL (2021, Houston)

Bruhn, A.-C., Ponto, K., Schriek, J., Kersten, K. (March 2021). Type of L2 Instruction Predicts Young Learners’ L2 Lexical and Grammar Comprehension. AAAL: University of Houston.

Kersten, K. (March 2021). Interaction and stimulating tasks mediate effect of SES and L2-program on working memory and L2-skills. AAAL: University of Houston.

Koch, M., Kersten, K., Greve, W. (March 2021). Implicational scaling in L2 receptive grammatical skills: Deterministic or probabilistic? AAAL: University of Houston.

Kersten, K. (2020). The interplay of cognitive, linguistic and instructional factors in early language acquisition.
Interdisciplinary Symposium on External and Internal Variables Affecting (Language) Learning Processes: Hildesheim University.

Trebits, A., Kersten, K. (2019) „Bilingual education trumps socioeconomic status: L1 and L2 development in primary school learners of English as a foreign language“. EUROSLA (Lund University)

Kersten, K., Bruhn, A.-C. (2019). „The effect of L2 input and cognitively stimulating tasks on second language acquisition“. EUROSLA (Lund University)

Kersten, K. (2019). „SLA, cognitive development and foreign language teaching: Variables affecting early foreign language learning in bilingual preschools and primary schools“. Summer School on Multilingualism and Diversity Education (University of Hildesheim)

Kersten, K. (2019). „Sprach­liche, kognitive und soziale Einflussfaktoren im frühen bilingualen Fremdsprach­enerwerb“. LEAR (Language Education & Acquisition Research Conference): Focusing Early Language Acquisition (Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

Kersten, K., (2019). „Die Rolle des sprach­lichen Inputs im frühen Fremdsprach­enerwerb“. LEAR (Language Education & Acquisition Research Conference): Focusing Early Language Acquisition (Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)

Carlson, C. (2019). „Teachers' L2 English performance and elementary children's development of English.“ Paper (rated ‘above par’) presented at The Next Generation. International Symposium of Bilingualism ISB12. (Edmonton, Canada)

Carlson, C. (2019). „Second language speaking: A study on the relations­hip of complexity, accuracy, and fluency.“ Language, Research, and Teaching in the 21st Century, LIF2019 (Dubrovnik, Croatia)

Mlakar, H. (2019). „Cognitive and linguistic variables influencing young learners’ L2 reading comprehension.“ 43rd Literacy Association of Ireland Conference (DCU St. Patrick's College, Ireland)

Kersten, K., Bruhn, A.-C., Greve, W. (2019). „Videografie von sprach­lichem Input im Fremdsprach­en­unter­richt und im bilingualen Unter­richt: Ein Beobachtungs­instrument“. Videografie in der Lehrer_innenbildung (Centrum für Lehr­erbildung und Bildungs­forschung, Universität Hildesheim)

Kersten, K., Bruhn, A.-C., Wegner, A. (2019). „Kognitive Fähigkeiten in zweisprach­igen Kitas und Schulen“. Fach­tagung Gelebte Mehrsprach­igkeit in Krippen, Kitas und Schulen (didacta, Köln, FMKS)

Kersten, K. (2019). „Gelingensbedingungen in bilingualen Grundschulen: Programm, sprach­licher Input, Feedback und weitere Faktoren“. Arbeits­tagung Schulversuch Lernen in zwei Sprachen – Bilinguale Grundschule Englisch (Bayerisches Staats­ministerium für Unter­richt und Kultus / Stiftung Bildungs­pakt Bayern) (pdf)

Kersten, K., Steinlen, A.K., Schüle, C. (2018). „Variables affecting early foreign language learning: Evidence from bilingual preschool“. EUROSLA (Univ. Münster)

Bruhn, A.-C., Kersten, K. (2018). „Operationalizing teacher input: Empirical evidence on the effect of input on the L2 acquisition of young learners“. EUROSLA (Univ. Münster)

Adler, M., Trebits, A., Kersten, K. (2018). „The role of cognitive variables, socioeconomic background and parenting style in the L2 acquisition of young learners“. EUROSLA (Univ. Münster)

Carlson, C. (2018). „English teachers' lexical diversity and students' receptive vocabulary.“ Contemporary Means and Methods in ELT and Applied Linguistics. Language in Focus, LIF2018 (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Kersten, K., Bruhn, A.-C. (2018). „Comprehensible input and interaction in the primary classroom: Operationalizing foreign language teaching strategies as predictors for SLA“. Niedersächsisches Kolloquium der Fremdsprach­endidaktik (Universität Hildesheim)

Kersten, K. Bode, L., Coors, H., Gerhardy, K., Vilbrandt, K. (2018). „The implementation of classroom videography in teacher education“. Niedersächsisches Kolloquium der Fremdsprach­endidaktik (Universität Hildesheim)

Kersten, K. (2018). „Bilinguale Grundschul­programme: Die Rolle von Lehr­kräften und anderen Faktoren“. Fach­tagung Frühe Mehrsprach­igkeit in Kita, Krippe und Schule (FMKS, didacta Hannover)

Kersten, K., Rohde, A. (2017). Panel Chairs: „Focus on Learner Language – Structures, Processes, Support“. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprach­enforschung DGFF (Universität Jena)

Kersten, K. (2017). „Factors affecting bilingual learning and teaching“. Bilingual Primary Education Conference (University of Nijmegen)

Adler, M., Trebits, A., Ponto, K., Kersten, K., Greve, W. (2017). „Cognitive variables and socioeconomic status in early second language acquisition.“ Bi-/Multilingualität – Sprach­liches und literarisches Lehren und Lernen. 2. Kooperatives Symposium Universität Hildesheim – Freie Universität Bozen (Hildesheim University, 12.-13. Mai 2017)

Carlson, C. (2017). „L2 English teachers’ language performance: Complexity, accuracy, fluency.“ Language in Focus Conference (Cyprus)

Carlson, C. (2017).  „L2 English teachers’ language performance: Complexity, accuracy, fluency, and second language acquisition.“ 11th International Symposium of Bilingualism (University of Limerick, Ireland)

Kersten, K. (2016). „Variables influencing the acquisition of a second and third language – Evidence from the SMILE project.“ Workshop zum kindlichem L2/L3-Erwerb im (Grund-)Schulkontext (Universität Braunschweig, 28.10.2016)

Carlson, C. (2016). „Elementary school English teachers‘ language performance and SLA.“ Language in Focus Conference (University of Instanbul)

Hemme, S. (2015). „A comparison of primary school students in Germany learning English as a second language with students learning English as third language.“ EUROSLA (Aix-en-Provence)

Kersten, K., Greve, W. (2015). „Eine neue Sprache lernen – interdisziplinäre Perspektiven.“ 1. Kooperatives Symposium Freie Universität Bozen – Universität Hildesheim (University of Brixen, 15.-16. Juli 2015)

Ponto, K., Hemme, S., Kersten, K., Greve, W. (2015). „Variables of Multilingualism – Die Qualität fremdsprach­lichen Inputs in der Grundschule.“ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprach­enforschung (Universität Paderborn)

Kersten, K. (2014). „Bilinguale Kitas – Chancen und Herausforderungen des bilingualen Fremdsprach­enerwerbs im Kindesalter“. Mehrere Sprachen – Mehrere Möglichkeiten: Bilinguale Bildung von Beginn an (IHK Magdeburg)

Greve, W., Kersten, K. (2014). „Entwicklungs­hilfe: Betrachtungen aus psychologischer und fach­didaktischer Perspektive“. Kind – Kinder – Kindheiten (Kompetenzzentrum Frühe Kindheit Niedersachsen, Universität Hildesheim)

Teacher Training

Kersten, K. (2019). „Sprach­sensibel im vorschulischen Bereich und in der Primarstufe unter­richten“. Dreitägige Fortbildungs­veranstaltung (inhaltliche Leitung), Washington DC (ZfA Schul­management weltweit)
Materials (English and German):
„Sessions 1–2: Principles of knowledge construction and (language) teaching“ (pdf)
„Sessions 3–4: Principles of input and interaction“ (pdf)
„Sessions 5–6: Principles of (second) language learning“ (pdf)
„Sessions 7–8: Cognitive effects of bilingual teaching“ (pdf)
„Session 10: Trans­ition from pre-primary to secondary school + List of references“ (pdf)

Kersten, K. (2019). „Teacher Input: Empirical evidence on the effect of input on the L2 acquisition of English in primary school“. Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten

Kersten, K. (2019). „Variables affecting early foreign language learning: Evidence from bilingual preschools and primary schools“. Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten

Kersten, K., Adler, M., Bruhn, A.-C., Ponto, K., (2018). „Faktoren, die den Sprach­erwerb beeinflussen: Ergebnisse aus Immersion und Fremdsprach­en­unter­richt“. Leineberg Schule (Göttingen)

Kersten, K., Becker, J. (2014). „Immersion in der Grundschule“. Fortbildung (Dreisprach­ige Internationale Grundschule Magdeburg)

Pilot Studies and Student Qualification Papers

Koch, M. (in prep.). Empirical Validation of a Second Language Grammar Test. Unpublished interdiscipliary MA-Thesis (English Department / Psychology Department). Hildesheim University.

Conradi, L., Lietzau, V. (2019). Operationalizing Teacher Input in Bilingual and EFL Classrooms. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Horn, J., Stoffregen, T. (2019). Teaching ESD Bilingually in Grades 3 and 5 – A Multiperspective Study. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Rasche, V. (2019). The Relation Between Multilingualism and Self-Regulation. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Gerhardy, K. (2018). Teacher Attitudes Towards Content and Language Integrated Learning in Primary Religious Education. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Pieczurczyk, I. (2017). The Operationalization of Scaffolding Techniques and Teaching Strategies in the Primary EFL Classroom. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Böhnke, J., Bruhn, A.-C. (2017). The Use of Scaffolding Techniques in Primary EFL Classrooms. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Von Bronsart, K. (2017). The Role of Socioeconomic Background in Language Acquisition. Unpublished BA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Conradi, L. (2017). Parent-Child Interactions in Language Acquisition. Unpublished BA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Bruhn, A.-C. (2015). Developing an Observation Scheme – The Application and Operationalization of Selected Categories. Unpublished BA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Schilder, L. (2015). The Relation Between Social Background and the Receptive L2 Skills of Fourth-Graders. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University.

Werkmeister, N. (2015). The Relation Between Cognitive Variables and Receptive Second Language Skills. Unpublished MA-Thesis. Hildesheim University. (Förderpreis der Universitäts­gesellschaft der Stiftung Universität Hildesheim)


Verein für Frühe Mehrsprach­igkeit an Kitas und Schulen e.V. (FMKS)

Projekt Fremdsprach­enlerne in inklusiven Kontexten (FLINK)

Classes Integrating Evidence from the SMILE Project

1. Psycholinguistics: Cognitive Effects of Bilingualism

2. Didactics: Bilingual Teaching and Learning in Primary School

3. Second Language Acquisition

4. Empirical Research Methods

5. Introduction to Biligual Teaching and Learning

6. Introduction to Studying English

7. Projektband

Media and Press Articles

Science Slam an der Universität Hildesheim: 5. November 2019, 18:30 (Audimax)
Vortrag: „Wie lerne ich am besten eine Sprache?
" (youtube)

Über das Sprach­enlernen im Allgemeinen und die Vorteile von bilingualem Lernen in der Grundschule im Besonderen

Zweisprachig aufwachsen (ZDF-Interview zum Thema Bilinguale Kitas, 28.03.2017) (Artikel zum Video)

Mehrsprach­igkeit: Herausforderung oder Selbstverständlichkeit? (Interview BEGEGNUNG 4/2017; Bundes­verwaltungs­amt: ZfA Deutsche Auslands­schularbeit International, pdf)

Das große Sprach­ensterben(3SAT Dokumentation 27:20, 15.09.2016)

Mehrsprach­igkeit (Interview ZEIT ONLINE, 18.11.2015)

Ins Sprach­bad eintauchen(Gehirn und Geist, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 05.2013)

Further References

Kersten, K., Rohde, A., Schelletter, C., Steinlen, A.K. (eds., 2010). Bilingual Preschools. Vol. I: Learning and Development. Vol II: Best Practices. Trier: WVT. (Final Report pdf)

Rohde, A. (2010). „Receptive L2 lexical knowledge in bilingual preschool children.“ In K. Kersten, A. Rohde, C. Schelletter, A.K. Steinlen, Anja (eds.): Bilingual Preschools. Vol. I: Learning and Development. Trier: WVT, 45–68.

Steinlen, A.K., Neils, K., Piske, T., Trumpp, C. (2010): „SETK 3–5: A Developmental Language Test on German for 3-to-5-Year-Old Children.“ In K. Kersten, A. Rohde, C. Schelletter, A.K. Steinlen, Anja (eds.): Bilingual Preschools. Vol. I: Learning and Development. Trier: WVT, 119–135.

Weitz, M., Pahl, S., Flyman Mattsson, A., Buyl, A. & Kalbe, E. (2010). „The Input Quality Observation Scheme (IQOS): The Nature of L2 Input and its Influence on L2 Development in Bilingual Preschools.“ In K. Kersten, A. Rohde, C. Schelletter, A.K. Steinlen, Anja (eds.): Bilingual Preschools. Vol. I: Learning and Development. Trier: WVT, 5–44.

Weitz, M. (2015). Die Rolle des L2-Inputs in bilingualen Kindergärten. Inquiries in Language Learning. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.